Taken from shore where the majority of passengers had partaken of more shushy walking. I went ashore on the tender (the small rowing type boat that enabled shore leave) and walked along some beautiful sand and listened to stories of huge Maori battles that took place here. One island close by is 'tapu' - forbidden to land by the present Maoris.
Three good things:
1. Morning tea brought ashore by the crew was good coffee and fresh sticky chelsea buns!
2. Just nibbling at some really tender smoked salmon, I crunched on a hard bit - horrors - it was a piece of tooth!. Good thing is that the tooth didnt hurt. Not good thing - the left piece of tooth was so sharp that it made an ulcer under my tongue!
3. Panacotta and blackcurrants for dessert was smooth, beautiful and easy to swallow!
What a beautiful scene enhanced by the threatening clouds and that ship ( not very big was it !! ) Your 3 good things sound wonderful except for the broken tooth !
I thought I would see one of those big cruise liners. But it's good enough for a small group, I suppose. Sorry to hear about the tooth - hope it doesn't bother you much till you get to the dentist. Fantastic image. Fav.
This is an absolutely amazing photo of your boat. Beautiful color and composition