Lost and Found Day by mcsiegle

Lost and Found Day

Friday was "Lost and Found Day" -- information here if anyone is interested.

The dinosaurs chose that for their photo shoot theme for this week. They (or some of them. anyway) went running around looking for things they could find. They sent the plesiosaurus wriggling down under the couch cushions. He came up with some spare change, a bit of a cracker, and some seeds from my mother's hollyhocks that I had brought home. I guess a few went astray. They also CLAIMED they found this rum ball under there, but I have my serious doubts, seeing as how I have been making batches of them to sell at the Deep Creek club's Country Christmas Sale, and to give to friends and family. There is a plastic container of them sitting on the kitchen counter. Unfortunately I had not counted them, so I've got no proof. Let 'em have it. I've got more. Enough and some to share...that's a good motto to live by, and one I need to keep more in mind, myself.

They also found my pen that looks like a syringe and needle with blood in it. I got it at the benefits fair and it was perfect for Crypticon. I'd been wondering where I put that. They found their little squirrel friend; they also found my dearinth medallion, and their tools, which I had had on the memorial altar during November. They weren't exactly lost, but I was able to return their hammer and screwdriver to them.
Great idea. Always scary to clean out the couch cushions at my house. Hard to tell what you will find.
December 14th, 2015  
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