While taking photos of the sunflowers I noticed this little guy. It's not as sharp as I'd like, but I don't have a macro lens and this may be as good as I can get. I was very pleased to find that I had a good shot of him at all with the leaf moving in the wind. View large, if you have the time.
Can someone tell me what kind of bug this is? I have seen them on some of my flower shots and don't really know what it is . . . he is clearer on your shot though - so you really didn't need the macro - love the background blur
@christinehosey Thanks, Christine. I wonder if there's anything that would enhance the capabilities of the Sony Cybershot W120 that is basically a point and shoot with some adjustments you can make manually. It doesn't look like there's any way of attaching anything else onto it. I may ask my sister-in-law, who has recently bought a nice camera, if I can come over and play around with it under her tutelage.
@mcsiegle Most point and shoots have a macro setting that is usually quite good. I use my Canon Powershot quite often for macro if I can't be bothered to get out the DSLR and attach the extension tubes. All my flower close ups on 365 are taken with my Powershot.
@christinehosey Thanks, Christine! You do have some great flower shots here. I love your bluebell. I will content myself, then, with what the Cybershot can do and challenge myself to fully use its capabilities.