2022-04-22 tulip meadow by mona65

2022-04-22 tulip meadow

Mainau Island (Germany), the botanic garden in Lake Constance, offers wonderful nature experiences. At this time of the year, thousands upon thousands tulips are in bloom. (It is said, they plant around 400'000 bulbs each year).
50 varieties of tulips transform Mainau Island into a radiant ocean of flowers, this is "spring avenue" (my favorite), where the tulips grow in a wild meadow, on other places there are neatly arranged in colourful flower beds, or they board the mediterranean terrace with its swan font.
Of course we also admired all those old trees in the park, the orchid exhibition and we visited the butterfly house. A great day with my parents and my aunt.
How absolutely beautiful, Mona!
April 22nd, 2022  
The paradise!
April 22nd, 2022  
Stunning, love how the field is on a slope and you can still see through the tree tops the horizon.
April 22nd, 2022  
April 22nd, 2022  
So beautiful
April 22nd, 2022  
So much colour! Beautiful
April 22nd, 2022  
April 22nd, 2022  
very nice
April 22nd, 2022  
That is lovely. Looks like a painting.
April 22nd, 2022  
That must be exquisitely beautiful!
April 23rd, 2022  
How beautiful!
April 23rd, 2022  
I feel I should break into song . . . but it would really ruin the atmosphere :)
April 23rd, 2022  
so beautiful, fav.
April 23rd, 2022  
April 23rd, 2022  
Yes ‘Wow’ such an abundance of beautiful tulips - in every colour.
Stunningly beautiful
April 23rd, 2022  
The city of Holland, MIchigan, USA also has a yearly tulip festival celebrated by thousands of tourists. It is one of the largest tulip festivals in the United States.

April 25th, 2022  
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