2024-05-29 Gorges de Carança by mona65

2024-05-29 Gorges de Carança

Great hike in the rugged Carança Gorge. A bit of everything with maximum excitement and more then one adrenaline kick: workout because of the elevation, a funky wire suspension bridge, with wobbly ladders to get on, more ladders to climb over difficult terrain, narrow metal paths attached to cliff sides, and a trail cut along the cliff face over the river. (Picture, hubby M. waving for scale). Not for the faint hearted or persons with vertigo. But ln the most exposed sites, there is a single rope attached to the cliff, to hold on. :-)
Not for me, even when I was young and a bit more fit. Almost get dizzy just looking at this great photo! LOL
May 30th, 2024  
Everything about this is EPIC.... just the scale of the trail around the mountain!
May 30th, 2024  
Wow. Looks a great experience.
May 30th, 2024  
Wow! Your pic makes a good half&half as well. Now that everyone's posting them I see them everywhere!
May 30th, 2024  
I love everything here. The scale given with hubby in view, the pov and how it draws my eye in and the all around. The narrative makes me want to be there as it sounds thrilling but my vertigo would have hunkering against walls to save me from falling off edges 😆 Excellent photo.
May 30th, 2024  
A grand vista. Super detail.
May 30th, 2024  
What a great shot. I think I’d be crawling along close to the inside wall…
May 30th, 2024  
I get a little wobbly just looking at it.
May 31st, 2024  
Terrific pov.
May 31st, 2024  
Love your composition
May 31st, 2024  
That tiny person says it all
May 31st, 2024  
What an exciting trip! Beautiful landscape and nice uses of scale.
May 31st, 2024  
Wow, amazing place and picture.
The addition of Hubby really adds to it. Love the almost perfectly placed bird in the sky too.
May 31st, 2024  
That looks an amazing place to walk :) fav
June 1st, 2024  
Exciting trip and excellent photo.
June 7th, 2024  
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