Autums day on the lake Canberra  by mortmanphotography

Autums day on the lake Canberra

A picture of the lake in Canberra on an autumn’s day – Iconic!
Canberra is the second-best city in the world for quality of life, says a report by Oxford Economics Global Cities. Quality of life means how happy and satisfied people are with living in a city. To rank cities, the report looks at things like how long people live, how much money they make, how fair incomes are, how much they spend on housing, recreational and cultural sites, and internet speed.

Canberra was only behind Grenoble in France and was the only Australian city in the top 10. The report also ranks cities based on four other categories: economics, human capital, environment, and governance. Canberra scored high because people live long, are well-educated, and income inequality is low.
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