A fun one for the September sign challenge. While inadvertently sidetracked in Toledo, Ohio, my friend Debbie and I discovered a donut shop that bore her husband's name. That gave us something to chuckle about as we made our way back to the highway!
@kerristephens@allie912 Thanks Kerri and Allison. It wasn't the most spectacular pictures since it was shot out the car window on the fly. The processing definitely gave it the spark that it needed.
@jmj Thank you Jennifer- it is fun to change a picture around so that it becomes even better. @karenann maybe not so daring, as experimental! I love to take a so-so picture and run it through all the options on Picnik until I hit one that makes me say, "Now, that's interesting!" @sanera Thanks Samantha!!
@karenann maybe not so daring, as experimental! I love to take a so-so picture and run it through all the options on Picnik until I hit one that makes me say, "Now, that's interesting!"
@sanera Thanks Samantha!!