Love it!!!! And once again am attracted to that inside line. Can you tell me how you do that? So the selective coloring function is right in your camera? Cool!
@aikimomm@quietpurplehaze Thank you Phoebe and Hazel! I am not really sure how to do the line "from scratch". It is a border application in my photo processing program called "Magic Vignette Plus". The only thing I adjust is how much of the picture will show up behind the line- that is how strong or weak the vignette is. Wish I could tell you more, but I can't!
@aikimomm If you have Smart Photo Editor, you'll find it in there. I'm not sure what it might be called in other programs. Ribbet, Picmonkey and iPiccy do not have it.
Thank you Carole, Sheralee, Alia, and Nicole! It's not a big bag but macro sure makes it look that way. A triptych is a good idea- saving it for a rainy lack of phojo day!
I like the inside line too - and I don't know how to do it either!
Fav for this shot which just pleases my eye.
@kerristephens @colleenbrown88 @barb_b @pools82 @pyrrhula @dibzgreasley @summerfield @vesna0210 @cynshep
Thank you Kerri, Colleen, Barb, Mike, Pyrrhula, Debs, Vikki, Vesna and Cyndi!
@cimes1 @bella_ss @alia_801 @nicoleterheide
Thank you Carole, Sheralee, Alia, and Nicole! It's not a big bag but macro sure makes it look that way. A triptych is a good idea- saving it for a rainy lack of phojo day!