I was looking for an idea to follow up my month of circles and decided to ask my grandchildren what I should take pictures of next. They each had a different idea and even my daughter-in-law had one too! So I decided to give each idea a week. First up, Leigh's choice: squares
This shot was originally taken back in May at The 810 Meadworks in Medina NY. It's a metal gate within the courtyard where they hold summer concerts.
Want to join in? You're welcome to do so (even though I'm a bit late in posting it!) Here's the breakdown:
Nov. 1-8 Leigh's choice: squares
Nov. 9-15 Sam's choice: leaves
Nov. 16-22 Becky's choice: things that begin with the letter "I" (igloo, ice cream- choose whatever words you like)
Nov. 23-30 Lucy's choice: flowers
As some of us are in Spring and others Fall, you can use archival shots, or revisit photos you'd like to process again if you'd like. There's no limitation to the time frame. I'll be tagging my shots "grandnovember2015".
Thank you so much everyone! And a special thanks to everyone who fav'd it! I have a feeling there will be a few more abstracts to come this during this month!
@aikimomm thank you Phoebe! @cjphoto thanks Chris! It's all in the effects I chose. The original is VERY different! (and definitely not as interesting!)
Love the processing in this one with the frosted windows!
Thank you so much everyone! And a special thanks to everyone who fav'd it! I have a feeling there will be a few more abstracts to come this during this month!
@cjphoto thanks Chris! It's all in the effects I chose. The original is VERY different! (and definitely not as interesting!)