This challenge sounded interesting. Copy the original picture and change it completely in 5 steps. Here's what I did using iPiccy:
1. Raised the contrast.
2. Cropped the shot.
3. Used the "Cybervision" effect (in horizontal and vertical blend and multiply which produced the red, white and blue effect.
4. Filled the picture in a collage layout.
5. Put a frame around the collage.
@prttblues Didn't really require much patience. Most of my processing is experimental- always starting with the phrase, "I wonder what will happen to this shot if I..."
@sangwann Thanks Dione!
@alia_801 Thanks Alia!
@digitalrn Thanks Rick!
@kimmistephens Thanks Kimmi!
@kerristephens Thanks Kerri!
@automaticslim Thanks Automatic!
Thanks one and all. To me the most interesting aspect of this process was the ability to make rows when putting it in the collage format.
@vposey Thanks Vickie!
It was fun to play around with.