When I arrived at Judy's yesterday she asked me if I'd gotten her message, but since I hadn't checked the phone before I left, it didn't seem unusual. She said the phone had made an odd sound, not the beep she was used to when she left the message, but it didn't register with me that something was up with the phone. It wasn't until earlier last evening that we discovered the phone and internet (connected by our cable and modem) were actually non-functioning! So, today before the repair man came to resurrect them I took a quick shot of the dead phone and played around with it in Ribbet when the internet was up and running.
@digitalrn Thanks Rick! Turns out it was a simple adjustment and not serious at all. I'm learning to roll with the punches where this stuff is concerned. The good things was we did not lose the cable so we at least had some entertainment last night.
Nice shot, Ann! Love the processing. I won't have cable for telephone service. If the power goes out, I still have a phone when I plug in my tethered phone to the wall. This was a very creative shot today though. I like the frame. It makes it look like you stuck it in the freezer. Well done :)
I've had that happen, too. People have been trying to get in touch with me for days, getting really worried I'm not calling them back, and it was due to technology being its usual self.
Thank you Nicole, Brian, Bev, Taffy, Timothy, Dione, Mr. Biscuit and Henri! Yes, technology can be frustrating, but it doesn't bother me as much now since I've figured out every disaster is just another event to turn into a 365 shot! lol
Thank you Nicole, Brian, Bev, Taffy, Timothy, Dione, Mr. Biscuit and Henri! Yes, technology can be frustrating, but it doesn't bother me as much now since I've figured out every disaster is just another event to turn into a 365 shot! lol