I was driving to Judy's this morning and saw this license plate ahead of me when I stopped at a traffic light. Just had to discretely snap a shot of it. I doctored it in Ribbet to obscure the number.
"Grammy" is good. My granddaughter calls me "Willums" derived from my last name. (which is also her last name) I can't figure out how she came up with that, while John has the more traditional "Granddad."
@twr Thank you Timothy- Papa is very sweet and I think it suits you! @allie912 Thanks Allison! I think that's very unique and creative which I seen in Maddie's personality as it comes through her pictures. For a short time my grandson Isaac was calling me Mimi and I loved it, but my son (being the stickler for detail that he is) kept correcting him so know I'm officially Grammy to all 5.
Thank you Kerri, Sally, Vikki, Taffy, Yao, Dione, Nicole, Rick, and Colleen!!!!!!!!
@allie912 Thanks Allison! I think that's very unique and creative which I seen in Maddie's personality as it comes through her pictures. For a short time my grandson Isaac was calling me Mimi and I loved it, but my son (being the stickler for detail that he is) kept correcting him so know I'm officially Grammy to all 5.