When the scapes (the leafy fronds you see above) get to this point, they will be cut off so that the energy and nutrients go into the bulb and not the plant. One segment of a garlic clove will start a new plant. The things you learn thanks to photography!
@aikimomm Thank you Phoebe! The fun part of this shot was that the farmer pointed it out and really wanted me to take a shot of the scapes. I had no trouble accommodating! @kerristephens Thank you Kerri! @prttblues Thanks Bev! The cloves are in the ground- sort of like a carrot. This part is the "carrot top" although you can also cook with it. @pyrrhula Thank you Pyrrhula! @henrir Thank you Henri! This is really the first time I've ever seen it outside of a container at the supermarket! I am learning a lot!! @janiskay Thank you Janice! Believe it or not, it really is quite interesting to hear these farmers talk about what they do and the process.
@kerristephens Thank you Kerri!
@prttblues Thanks Bev! The cloves are in the ground- sort of like a carrot. This part is the "carrot top" although you can also cook with it.
@pyrrhula Thank you Pyrrhula!
@henrir Thank you Henri! This is really the first time I've ever seen it outside of a container at the supermarket! I am learning a lot!!
@janiskay Thank you Janice! Believe it or not, it really is quite interesting to hear these farmers talk about what they do and the process.