52 Week Challenge- Toy Story/ When Will I Be Loved?
This little dolly belonged to my friend Heather who passed away from Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer several years ago. Her mom had been cleaning out some of Heather's things last year and asked me if I knew anyone that might like this doll. My first thought was that my granddaughter Lucy would probably enjoy her. But shortly after Jean dropped the dolly off I learned that Lucy had taken scissors to all her toys that had anything remotely like hair and given them all haircuts! While her parents and (other) grandmother thought is was "so cute", I thought it was no way to allow a child to "take care of" her toys. Plus, Lucy (even at 5) still has a tendency to take all her dolly's clothes off and misplace them. And sometimes they even become a canvas for her magic markers. I didn't have the heart to send this little cutie to an uncertain future in Lucy's Hair Salon and Boutique! I wanted to find a little girl who would love and treasure her and take care of her properly just like Heather did. So, for now she's still with me. But if you know a little girl who would love her and treat her with respect, let me know! Seriously! Let me know!
So that's my Toy Story for this week's 52 week challenge and a song title entry too!
She's beautiful. I agree that you should keep her since she's so special. As much as we wish it, children tend not to care the same way we might about certain things we give them. I've heard many horror stories of a special, sentimental toy being passed down and the child just not caring about it and destroying it. Not because they're mean or anything, of course, but just because it doesn't mean the same thing to them.
But if the doll brings back memories that are too painful, maybe try finding out what kind of doll she is and looking for a collector who likes them. Its not the same as being in a child's hands, which I know is special in its own way, but collectors of older dolls tend to put a lot of love and effort into caring for them the best they can.
Toys like books need to be cherished. Sophie lost her stuffed dog puppy pup after a sleepover at my parents house. The whole family was devastated but luckily I found him a few months later, he had fallen down the side of the bed and was on the floor. She was so happy to get him back and she still sleeps with him!
What a wonderful image of this beautiful doll. I agree that you should consider keeping her since you associate the doll with your friend. Or a collector as Carissa said.
As I read this I thought that you needed to keep her! And it's so pleasing to see many others have the same thought - so yes, I think this sweet doll needs to be in your kind care :) fav
Let's not forget the six word story challenge either. She's a beautiful little dolly and I think she's already with the girl who will cherish her. I love your treatment of this photo.
it is a special doll and might be a collector item by now. seems like lucy has way too many toys to appreciate another one, at least for now. i say keep it, for photo opps or maybe when lucy is more responsible with her things, maybe you can give it to her then. or you never know, you just might have another granddaughter. never say never.
this would be a perfect photo for the black and white challenge which is backlighting, i believe.
Thank you all for your kind and thoughtful comments. Normally I'd agree but-
1) a sweet doll like this should be carried around and loved, not sitting somewhere collecting dust. I have my own treasured toys, plus a couple of my sons' that are already doing that!
2) I also have several special things of Heather's already- two are gifts she gave to me and one is a stained glass vase that was special to her which her mom gave to me as a remembrance, so as cute as this little dolly is, I don't need her to remember Heather by.
I'll keep searching I guess!
@claycameras Good idea Carissa- I'll resort to that if I don't find a child.
@summerfield LOL- I am pretty sure both sons are done! But it's true... you never know.
@olivetreeann You are certainly being a true friend to Heather in trying to find a new home for her beloved doll - and i understand all your reasons why. I do hope you find someone special :)
I found this picture after I mistakenly used the tag songtitle-27 instead of songtitle-107. I am glad I did: I love toys and this doll is special.
But if the doll brings back memories that are too painful, maybe try finding out what kind of doll she is and looking for a collector who likes them. Its not the same as being in a child's hands, which I know is special in its own way, but collectors of older dolls tend to put a lot of love and effort into caring for them the best they can.
this would be a perfect photo for the black and white challenge which is backlighting, i believe.
Thank you all for your kind and thoughtful comments. Normally I'd agree but-
1) a sweet doll like this should be carried around and loved, not sitting somewhere collecting dust. I have my own treasured toys, plus a couple of my sons' that are already doing that!
2) I also have several special things of Heather's already- two are gifts she gave to me and one is a stained glass vase that was special to her which her mom gave to me as a remembrance, so as cute as this little dolly is, I don't need her to remember Heather by.
I'll keep searching I guess!
@claycameras Good idea Carissa- I'll resort to that if I don't find a child.
@summerfield LOL- I am pretty sure both sons are done! But it's true... you never know.
@cjphoto Thanks Chris! Me too.
I found this picture after I mistakenly used the tag songtitle-27 instead of songtitle-107. I am glad I did: I love toys and this doll is special.