@joysabin Thanks Joy- I'm not really frustrated, I just couldn't remember all the things I did to this shot to make it turn out the way it did. That usually means there were a lot of layers and playing with the sliders!
@edorreandresen Thanks Dorre! @grannysue Thank you Linda- and yes, there was a layer of clouds in there.
@joansmor Thanks Joan- I would never hang one in my house, but I do like playing with the processing blender and creating them for the small screen!
@mittens Thanks Marilyn! @ninaganci Thank you Nina and thanks so much for the fav!
@edorreandresen Thanks Dorre!
@grannysue Thank you Linda- and yes, there was a layer of clouds in there.
@joansmor Thanks Joan- I would never hang one in my house, but I do like playing with the processing blender and creating them for the small screen!
@mittens Thanks Marilyn!
@ninaganci Thank you Nina and thanks so much for the fav!