@beryl It is on wall in Newcastle and the person who painted this street art, painted over another series of paintings which I took a photo of a couple of months earlier. Glad I got the first paintings too. I will post that photo later this month. Such a shame that the first paintings are to be seen no more.
@angelar I think the street artists in Newcastle are designated areas where they can paint their art and I suppose it is survival of the fittest and who gets there first.
@iwatts Thanks Ian. this was painted over a previous street art painting and I got a photo of the original a couple of months earlier. I will post that one tomorrow.
@eyesmile Thanks Gena. I had fun wandering round Newcastle to see all the artworks. I am not a fan of grafiti when it is just scribble or tags, but these are really beautiful I think.
@cathy366@ourrube Thanks. I am planning on doing a topic folder for the year. This month is street art and next month I will have another topic. Not sure what yet though. Maybe animals or birds.