@zenna@eyesmile@orangecrush@elaine55@joeyc@hermann@tryingforsighs@iwatts@ourrube Thanks so much for all your comments. Sorry for the group reply but I am on catch up at the moment.
This street art is on Thorn Street in Newcastle and I think it is part of the Street Art Walking festival a couple of years ago. This one has Octapod written below it and I bleieve that Octapod is a non profit organization designed for artists around the Hunter region. I believe they also have funding for artists with disabilities too.
Not sure what is in his hand Gayanne, but I thought it was an apple and then there is the third eye. Maybe the apple of his eye. This is only a section of this particular work. The birds are painted along the rest of the street. So much to see on Thorn Street. There are various festivals around Newcastle including Hit the Bricks which is where some of the street art photos I have taken have come from. I think it is all so interesting.
This street art is on Thorn Street in Newcastle and I think it is part of the Street Art Walking festival a couple of years ago. This one has Octapod written below it and I bleieve that Octapod is a non profit organization designed for artists around the Hunter region. I believe they also have funding for artists with disabilities too.
Not sure what is in his hand Gayanne, but I thought it was an apple and then there is the third eye. Maybe the apple of his eye. This is only a section of this particular work. The birds are painted along the rest of the street. So much to see on Thorn Street. There are various festivals around Newcastle including Hit the Bricks which is where some of the street art photos I have taken have come from. I think it is all so interesting.