From The Archive : 1985 : Bradshaw Brook, Bolton  by phil_howcroft

From The Archive : 1985 : Bradshaw Brook, Bolton

This is Bradshaw Brook, Bradshaw, Bolton , shot in 1985 on a Kodacolor slide film on my Olympus OM20 (which incidentally I still have and still use, in fact it has a Kodacolor ISO 200 35mm film in it at the moment).

Anyway, Bradshaw Brook, Bradshaw, in an area known as the Rigby's , a green space in the Northern suburb of Bolton.

I used to walk across the white bridge, every day to primary school. As primary school children (that's ages 5 to 11 for none UK readers) we would walk to school on our own, sometimes 'daring' to walk on the outer ridge of the bridge on the wrong side of the railings !!!

The trendy house used to be an abandoned church mission, great for exploring although scary.

The chimney belonged to the "bleach works " , it closed in 1963, but I vaguely remember a leak into the river killing wildlife and fish !

A lovely capture with the brook reflecting the blue sky.
October 21st, 2024  
Sweet memories
October 21st, 2024  
Looks like a nice area Phil. Your talk of walking on the outside of the railings, makes me think of how me & a friend used to hang upside down on a bridge over a brook, local to us!🤦🏼‍♀️😱
October 21st, 2024  
A lovely image. I hope the river recovered the accidental leak of bleach!
October 21st, 2024  
Such a pretty scene - and great memories too
October 21st, 2024  
Yes, Peter was just the same, walking to the village school from age 5. His school was by a pond, and I'm sure he used to get up to all sorts of mischief there! Lovely memories
October 21st, 2024  
Nice composition and great memories Phil. It was a time when kids could play and be harmlessly adventurous, hoping not to get in trouble. It's not like that now, at least not here.
October 22nd, 2024  
A fun piece of your history.
October 22nd, 2024  
A lovely scene
October 22nd, 2024  
The things we did as kids!
A nice shot & fun memories.
October 22nd, 2024  
Interesting bit of history
October 22nd, 2024  
You made me smile this morning Phil thnking of you walking 'on the edge' en route to school. My dad used to shoot colour slides and I never realised there was special film for it - obvious really! Thanks for sharing this - and your extensive photographic knowledge.!
October 22nd, 2024  
nice one :)
October 22nd, 2024  
Beautiful shot. Amazing colours.
October 22nd, 2024  
Lovely place
October 22nd, 2024  
How I would love to be beside that brook!
October 22nd, 2024  
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