Carole and I have started the ‘A Year With My Camera’ this week; there’s a challenge that they do for the first Saturday of every month - take 12 photographs during the day, to record your day.
Here’s my day, top row, left to right, each photo taken around an hour apart; descaled my coffee machine, went into the garden and photographed my mystery tree (not a clue what it is), baked my sourdough loaf, Halfords arrived to socially-distance and fit a new tyre on Carole’s car, sliced the bread to see if it was edible (it was), lunch (my homemade soup), Tesco delivery of around 80% of what I’d ordered (1 banana, who orders just 1 banana (me it would seem)), a long afternoon’s walk incorporating the village church and the Narnia lamp at Buslingthorpe Manor B&B, back home And Carole taking a pic, prepping dinner and finally Carole doing a spot of adult colouring.