Princess Falls by princessicajessica

Princess Falls

Hamilton, the city that Christopher's from originally, is known as The City of Waterfalls or The Waterfall Capital of the World. Apparently the Smithsonian says there are 156 waterfalls within the city! There is some debate about exactly how many there are, but it's a lot either way, and this is one of them!

We've had a mission since we were dating to hike all the "accessible waterfalls" which is a much smaller number, somewhere in the thirties, I think. It's an ongoing project that hasn't been very plausible in recent years, but Princess Falls is one that was checked off the list years ago. It was on a hike here in October 2013 when Chris and I become officially engaged!

March 17, 2020 was the day Chris first showed signs of Covid infection and everything changed around here for who knows how long... Maybe forever, but we're still hoping not. This year the 17 was a nice day and he was home early, so we decided to celebrate his still being here by revisiting a special place in his hometown.
December 16th, 2022  
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