'celebrate': birthday lunch by quietpurplehaze

'celebrate': birthday lunch

We abandoned our plan to eat at Mottisfont Abbey, a National Trust property, because I remembered how muddy the car park was last time we visited and also didn't fancy the walk in the pouring rain yesterday to the house. We ate lunch instead in a beautiful 18th century building in a local market town: menu du jour, choice of two items on starter and pudding, no choice on main so I didn't have to think too much on my birthday - everything excellent and delicious!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Hazel, happy birthday to you!
All looks yummy scrummy! Hope you had a fantastic day ;-D
December 20th, 2012  
@gemtumble Gemma, thank you kindly! The day was great!
December 20th, 2012  
Super collage of what was obviously a great lunch and a wonderful day!! Many Happy Returns!!
December 20th, 2012  
@tishpics Thank you again - this beautiful old hotel does a menu du jour every day but only one choice on the main. We have a system: we look at the board outside and if it's liver, or something else we don't like, there's also a good dining pub just along the square! The beautiful 18thC building of the hotel is something else though.
December 20th, 2012  
I`ve sing for you yesterday. Lovely/beautiful collage of what was a great day for you ( so I read ) Have a great other year to come.
December 20th, 2012  
@pyrrhula Oh thank you - I hope so!
December 20th, 2012  
a lovely collage, hazel. i especially like the effect of the purple shades.
December 30th, 2012  
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