Today was the 570-mile solo drive out of suburban Detroit back to southern Illinois. (Clare is staying on with Mom for a few days as she is having some outpatient surgery today.) The combination of the recent snows and temperatures sufficiently low to defeat much of the effectiveness of salt left the highways a bit treacherous in southeastern Michigan and northern Ohio. Eventually I reached clear roads and could appreciate the swirls and contours of the drifted snow alongside the roads. Clare, I may or may not have stopped along I-70 in central Illinois to take this…
Thinking about how to post this, I gray-scaled it and cropped it to be wider-and-shorter than the usual proportions of 4-to-3 or 3-to-2. With those edits, I hoped that eyes would be drawn to the lines of the drifted snow against the fencing.
Retired economics professor (“dismal scientist”). Married 40+ years to the love of my life; we have two grown daughters, both married, two granddaughters and a...