@koalagardens Yes - but not very nice in flavour - I think the lack of water has really affected them - or maybe it's just lack of care..... Hopefully at least the kurrawongs will eat them. :)
mine normally only fruit in spring - but the last 2 years instead of fruiting once in spring, they keep fruiting 3 or 4 times a year, but not well. I wonder if this is an out of season weird one. I reckon the birds will make the most of them regardless :)
@jacqbb Hi Jacqueline - Kurrawongs are native birds that look a little like a magpie. They have a wonderful song but can be quite aggressive to other birds. They eat nearly anything and do prey on other bird's babies. T
Here's a UTube link that shows you one of them. Cheers Rob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIQZea88rrA
Here's a UTube link that shows you one of them. Cheers Rob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIQZea88rrA