light and lovely by sarah19

light and lovely

It was just delightful sitting in our family space this afternoon after work! Allan wasn't home for tea so I just took my time and enjoyed it! And I'm really feeling pretty good about finishing the wallpapering last night and have 're-covered' three cushions to match the curtains. Didn't imagine I'd get so far so fast! The energy must be catching with all the sunshine!
Three good things
1. We had a big laugh tonight as Allan hadn't noticed that the second wall was no longer yellow when he came home last night.....or this morning.....or tonight until I couldn't hold the giggles any longer!!
2. Some great fun at school as we started refurbishing the Beanstalk for the Jack story! What fab photos my classroom assistant took today!
3. Sunshine, light and walking to work!
Such a positive story and a beautiful photo too.
March 12th, 2014  
A beautiful sunshine filled photo
March 13th, 2014  
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