Dad's garden in morning light by sarah19

Dad's garden in morning light

Had an amazing day! It started with this view of Dad's garden when I went across from theIr neighbour's house, and that amazing light filled the day.
Everyone travelling to be at my uncle's funeral service reached the church safely and in time. So good to be with lots of our huge family and so many friends and acqaintances....somewhere around 600!
Three good things. ....difficult to choose!
1. It was dry all day even though forecast for rain!
2. Totally uplifting service with amazing singing.....acapella psalm singing (voices only with no organ! )and 4part harmony, a lovely tribute so true to the real person that he was, and a great message by the lovely minister leading everything.
3. Lovely time with mum and dad, my 4 sisters, 2 brothers and lots more!
A lovely image of your dad's garden. Although a tough time, funerals are often special too, as the family all make an effort to be there for each other.
July 19th, 2015  
Your dad has a lovely garden. Beautiful sunlight here.
July 19th, 2015  
It sounds like a day full of memories - happy as well as sad.
July 19th, 2015  
Beautiful picture. Sounds like it was a truly wonderful service.
July 19th, 2015  
@dide @gijsje @busylady @bkbinthecity
Thank you for your lovely comments. They are all the more welcome after the events of the weekend!
July 19th, 2015  
Lovely shot and your uncle must have been much loved and respected to have such a turnout. Glad the service was all that you could have wanted it to be. Great that all your family could spend time with your mum and dad.
July 20th, 2015  
@elmay thank you Elsie - it was very special time!!
July 20th, 2015  
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