two little sandboys by sarah19

two little sandboys

At the beach on the shores of the Red Sea our Saturday was very relaxing! Finnley has only been walking for 3 or 4 weeks but was game for toddling off along the area round about us and his face was sheer delight when he was in the sea!!
I wish I had the total abandonment to water. I may have been on a camel but I still have a dread of water!
Three good things
1. Pleasant journey home.....4 episodes of Downton Abbey + in-flight breakfast and we were at Heathrow!! Time for a leisurely lunch and a wee wander passed the connecting time.
2. Beautiful clear sunny view of Aberdeenshire as we approached Aberdeen.
3. Home tired but happy and early to bed....can't beat it!!
A lovely photo of your two boys Sallie. It looks a lovely golden sand unlike the west coast of NZ which has volcanic sand &is a sort of grey colour, not attractive at all specially when wet on their faces. Beautiful curly hair!
October 18th, 2016  
What a sweet picture of your grandsons.
October 18th, 2016  
A huge sand-pit - childhood heaven! I love the stripy outfit!
October 19th, 2016  
@gijsje @jmj
Thank you for your lovely comments. I'm not sure how hot these fab little suits were to wear but they served their purpose very well and protection from sunburn both in and out of the water!
October 19th, 2016  
@jmj @happypat @gijsje
This was at a resort on the west shore of the Red Sea......We suspect the sand didn't occur naturally here.......very little sign of the variety of structure /contents that you would expect to see. .....It was consistently the same from shore to the top. ....but when David and Connor created a castle with moat there was a more muddy texture at the base!!! Still fun and a first for Allan and me ....never been to a sun-worshippers kind of beach for a whole day!
October 19th, 2016  
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