Yesterday’s image was a photo of our the digital clock on the oven. We have it configured to look digital. It is still triple digit hot here and there are 28 fires burning in California. We have ash on our patio but are not too near the danger. Hoping for change on so many levels right now, but very grateful for 365 friends and challenges. Stay safe.
Beautiful. Yes. I thought the marine layer was back and when I went outside to throw peanuts to the crows and realized, it’s smoke. Too many too often we have fires. Stay well, stay safe. I was delighted to open 365 after being outside and the first photo I see, is this one! I really like this a lot.
Well, it looks like grasses but it could just as easily be a feather duster, a macro of a make up brush or a macro of grandad's eyebrows! Whatever, it's a nice colourful image!