that's for sure. partner discovered this today and couldn't wait to show it to me. but first he treated me to dinner, then we drove uptown to look at this and then we went to our favourite DQ which has a magnificent view of the sunset.
this pitcher (or ewer) sculpture is made of tension wires. it is quite high, partner is almost six feet and the top of his head does not even reach the end of the handle. the significance of this installation? can't figure out, as there was no plaque or anything. 'just because' would probably fit.
thank you for your kind views and comments; know that they are truly appreciated.
I LOVE public sculptures, and the more unusual they are the better. They almost always seem to enhance the space they inhabit... I like the transparency in this one... despite its scale it seems to be quite light.
Bet it glows in the sun (whatever that is )
@ness50 - thank you, ness.
@panthora - thank you, osia. it seems like it weighs a million tons, it has to be or the winds would topple it down, it is in a park after all.
@maggiemae - thank you, maggiemae.
@678tabby - thank you, june.
@sunnygreenwood - thank you, anne. how are you?
@catsmeowb - thank you, camille. i like the short fat teapots, too!
@henrir - indeed! thank you, henri.
@aurorajane - i think we'd need a giant mug! :-) thank you, aj.
@eniaral - thank you, laraine.
@june - yes, and that's what i was trying to achieve but the trees were playing with the wind so the sunlight was not constant on it. thank you, june.