an enormous amount of etsooi went into this shot, i almost balked. i was debating between avocado and a collage of sushi but a rather brilliant idea popped in my head as i was already eating the avocado. i remembered that there was an album not so long ago with a half of an avocado on a gradient blue background as the cover but i couldn't recall which singer or band it was. (as you know my musical know-how had been stymied since the 1980's by the noise and so-not-musical songs from that decade up to recent times - with very few exceptions of course. when are the young people going to learn how to make decent music? okay, don't let us get started.) so i did a parody except i couldn't get how to do the gradient thing on photoshop.
i'd tie this in with the song title challenge because i know weird al yankovic had a song that parodied the eagles' song "desperado" but yes, let's not go there.
and that concludes my self-imposed food photography challenge this week.
thank you, kind folks, for your wonderful visits and comments; know that they are greatly appreciated.
got my giggle for the morning, so thank you for that. i love this shot, so vibrant and happy. weird al. i can not for the life of me imagine you listening to him.