miss fleming-gough was happy to just stay in the bright sunshine after being jarred and then caged the last two days. we hit 14 degrees today with a cloudless sky all day through. too bad, there's going to be rain later on.
this is almost a half-and-half shot, a precursor to next month's theme/challenge. i realized that there was no notice yet posted for the may half and half. i checked nicole campbell's album and found she hasn't posted since december. so i took it upon myself to host the half and half theme. i hope you will join me. https://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/46498/may-half-and-half-2022-edition
@summerfield I think so. She announced that she wouldn't be posting and I have forgotten why. Life in general I believe. I know she had started a new job once or twice actually and it took lots of her time
This is also my final photo of my project. Thank you to everyone who has commented and dab’s my photos thus year. I appreciate each and everyone. I also apologise for not being able to comment on your own images as much as I would have liked. My life is crazy busy and unfortunately I don’t get very much free time.
I thought it was the June theme since there is NoMowMay. I do like the half and half. It always has me observing in different ways.
I love the use of shadow in this image.
I forgot that Nicole is not posting this year Nice of you to pick up the challenge
This is also my final photo of my project. Thank you to everyone who has commented and dab’s my photos thus year. I appreciate each and everyone. I also apologise for not being able to comment on your own images as much as I would have liked. My life is crazy busy and unfortunately I don’t get very much free time.
I love the use of shadow in this image.