Novel #8 - The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne by Brian Moore
"Do you know how long I've waited to be married, Moira? Do you know how many long years, every one of them twelve long months? x x x But a woman never gives up, Moira, does she?...she never gives up. There's always Mr. Right, Moria, only he changes as the years go by. At first he's tall, dark and handsome, a young man, Moira, and then you're not so young and he's middle-aged, but still tall and handsome. And then there's moments when he's anybody, anybody who might be eligible. Oh, I've looked at all sorts of men, men I didn't even like."
The novel is set in 1950 Belfast. Alone in her room in a Belfast boarding house, Judith Hearne, well past her forties, is almost overwhelmed by loneliness after the death of her aunt whom she cared for until her death. Yet she still believes there is a chance for happiness and waits patiently for the moment when her life will turn from sorrowful longing to joy. Then she meets James Madden, a retired widower and her dreams take on a brighter hue. But he doesn't love her, and her dreams are dashed once more. Imprisoned by religion and convention, she secretly turns to the bottle.
it is sort of a depressing read, but if you're one for good writing, brian moore's style is excellent, as in this novel, each character has a point of view. the book also points to us unapologetically the foibles of religious beliefs and the prejudice of conventions.
Your project has become a nice destination for novel reviews! gotta take my pick from here! This picture is beautifully composed and i adore this framing a lot!
oh what a great quote, I am now going to have to read this book, it's on the list, the list grows big bigger biggest!!
lovely tree, alone but not lonely me thinks....and love the frame, must pay and then i too can do what you do...
do you think we'll do the same book?? not that'd be freaky! lol
@pamfromcalgary - thank you, pam. re the book, some fiction just ring of reality and reality is there's always sadness. it is a beautifully-written book by an irish-canadian author.
@altadc - thank you, alta. i hope you enjoy at least one or two books. re the framing, two of us lusting over this framing effect. i love this, and the 'reflection' effect second.
@bkbinthecity - thank you. i didn't realize i took about 25 shots of this tree. no wonder the old lady at the shot near it was asking me if there was a bird up there. hehe.
@danig - with the beautiful photographs that you take, they're stunning even without framing. but i would bet they'd be looking more spectacular.
i think it would be fantastic if we turn out to be doing the same book on the same day. we have different styles of photography. and certainly different ways of presenting the book - yours is short and sweet, mine is long ang laborious, sometimes probably bordering on boring :-). but i have the books lined up on the shelf so if i see you did the same book i'll be doing, i'll decide if i hold back or just go ahead.
this book sounds so interesting - and i, too, love the framing. i disagree, you are NOT laborious and do not border on boring at all. greatly enjoy the details, in fact, look forward to your posts daily. wonderful shot.
@cscecil - thank you, CS. maybe i'll do a follow-up in the fall!
lovely tree, alone but not lonely me thinks....and love the frame, must pay and then i too can do what you do...
do you think we'll do the same book?? not that'd be freaky! lol
@altadc - thank you, alta. i hope you enjoy at least one or two books. re the framing, two of us lusting over this framing effect. i love this, and the 'reflection' effect second.
i think it would be fantastic if we turn out to be doing the same book on the same day. we have different styles of photography. and certainly different ways of presenting the book - yours is short and sweet, mine is long ang laborious, sometimes probably bordering on boring :-). but i have the books lined up on the shelf so if i see you did the same book i'll be doing, i'll decide if i hold back or just go ahead.
@eddyj - thank you, too, eddy.