Tulip  by ziggy77


Loved how the sunlight was catching these tulips.

For the cropped and edited/processed version see " http://365project.org/ziggy77/365-2/2016-03-12"Tulip revisited"

Thanks for your visits comments and favs. All very much appreciated. Best viewed large it you have the time.

Hope you are having a good weekend
March 12th, 2016  
Gorgeous! Love the lighitng!
March 12th, 2016  
Wonderful focus and dreamy tones
March 12th, 2016  
Beautiful pastel tones
March 12th, 2016  
The sunlit version is lovely, as well.
March 12th, 2016  
These are so cool - like candy! Such gentle and "yummy" colors.
March 12th, 2016  
you are doing some lovely tulip work :) fav
March 12th, 2016  
March 12th, 2016  
Beautiful lighting.
March 12th, 2016  
Lovely shot, colors
March 12th, 2016  
Beautiful lighting :)
March 12th, 2016  
Pretty color and light
March 13th, 2016  
Beautiful against black - love the light through the tulips.
March 13th, 2016  
Such lovely lighting for this soft and dreamy image!
March 13th, 2016  
March 13th, 2016  
Most lovely
March 13th, 2016  
Lovely shot
March 13th, 2016  
This is lovely, fav
March 16th, 2016  
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