
  • 177views
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Critique Please!

started by rleonard, May 28 2011
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True Black/White balance???

started by lindib, May 25 2011
  • 285views
  • 34replies
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Critique please....

started by lindib, May 23 2011
  • 280views
  • 25replies

Which is best?

started by lluniau, May 21 2011
  • 252views
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What do you think of this

started by jameshayward, May 20 2011
  • 260views
  • 24replies

With Or Without?

started by omnomgreen, May 18 2011
  • 350views
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Comments on my Photos

started by sfeldphotos, May 17 2011
  • 182views
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Just want some advice

started by aforartistic, May 17 2011
  • 498views
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FMP College assignment.

started by libbyrose, May 15 2011
  • 121views
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Need some critique

started by jameshayward, May 14 2011
  • 143views
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New Nikon AF-S 50mm 1.8 lens

started by luke, May 14 2011
  • 120views
  • 3replies


started by ladybug11511, May 13 2011