Flashback Friday - 02-19-2021

February 19th, 2021
QUOTE: β€œThe best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." ~ Helen Keller

This challenge is open to everyone. Once you have taken 30 or more photos the flashback link will appear in the box below "View this month" under "Photo Details" on your page. Hopefully, as we go back in time we will see that our photography skills have improved and maybe even have a laugh or two at what we once thought was good enough to post.

About posting, as long as it is Friday somewhere in the world you can post. Or if you would like you can wait until it is Friday where you live, that is fine too.

How does it work?
Click the Flashback View link and it will take you to one of your past photos.

Use the first image it gives you, even if you aren't too fond of it! That way we can see how much you have progressed in your photography skills while on the Project.

To share: Underneath your photo is a curved arrow to the right (➦). Click on the arrow and there will be an "Embed Code". Copy the code then paste it in the comment box below adding any comments if you wish to do that.

Thank you for participating. I hope that looking back stirs fond memories as well as possibly bringing a smile to your face!
February 19th, 2021
28 December 2019
February 19th, 2021

A fairly recent one, October 2020
February 19th, 2021
September 19 - This is one of the main things I miss about lockdown. Just meeting up with my daughter or sister or friend for a catch-up over coffee and a cake. Hopefully it won't be too long now.
February 19th, 2021
January 30 - out for a drive...
February 19th, 2021
May 19 . A get pushed from @shutterbug49 . I'd do it differently now!! πŸ™‚β˜ΊοΈ

February 19th, 2021
Sept 2013 Reflection
February 19th, 2021

October 2018
February 19th, 2021
April 2019
February 19th, 2021
Composite I did for a friend a while back

February 19th, 2021
Robert Peel monument on Holcombe Moor
February 19th, 2021
france, 2017

February 19th, 2021
All the way back to Feb 2014, early in year two. I had gone to Brazil for work (and stayed for Carnival!) but what struck me about seeing this photo is that I have no idea who this person is, but I think it shows the beginning of my fascination with nighttime photography and the effect of light in very dark places.
February 19th, 2021
September 2018 first shot with the new macro lens.
February 19th, 2021
September 2019: a storm was brewing
February 19th, 2021
From 2016
February 19th, 2021
From March 2016 . Coming or Going.

February 19th, 2021
2013: my he has grown

February 19th, 2021
Not too far back this time, 26th January 2020

February 19th, 2021
Galaxy - Oli and water with composite moon
February 19th, 2021
Posted March 2018
February 19th, 2021
from the way back archives.. but still is true
February 19th, 2021
4 years ago, in February,... still like this.
February 19th, 2021
April 2020

February 19th, 2021
Squirrels have been quite popular on here recently, here's one from October 2017, proving they are a long term problem.
February 19th, 2021
April 2020
February 19th, 2021
April 2018 -- The view from the office. I haven't been there in about a year now.
February 20th, 2021
October 2018 - Santa Monica Beach

February 20th, 2021
Macro-USA emblem on key

February 20th, 2021
Fantastic memory staying with a dear friend in NYC who lived in the building behind my daughters in the photo (we are in central park).
February 20th, 2021
Jume of 2014 - a belated posting of the monthly view of my Rainbow month

February 20th, 2021
July 2020
February 20th, 2021
Sept. 2017
February 20th, 2021
From December, 2017 The cold weather seems to be a theme in my project!
February 20th, 2021
Jul 2019
February 20th, 2021
June 2015
February 20th, 2021
@markp -- squirrels a problem???!!! They are the only live beings in my life these days. I talk to mine every day, and on M-W-F that's the only time I use my voice (I have scheduled zoom sessions T-Th-Sa-Su). I call mine "backyard family" :)
February 20th, 2021
I took this exactly 6 years ago today

February 20th, 2021
All the way back to August 2011!

February 20th, 2021
April 2013
February 21st, 2021
Mine flashed back to October and the very first week that I participated in the Get Pushed Challenge. My challenge that week was to take a white-on-white photo.
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