
June 13th, 2012

I am wanting to do a theme based on water. From now on, post your favorite picture (or pictures) of water or any other liquid. This could be a long exposure (ie. silky water in a stream, smooth lake), a quick "frozen motion' (i.e. a picture of a single drop of water), or anything else! I would like to see your creativity, and I will post a few of my favorite with the reason why I like them.

Have fun!

(P.S., This doesn't need to be a new photo. Could be taken at anytime in your career, and you can edit them if you would like)
June 13th, 2012
What about drops?

Or maybe those ones:
June 13th, 2012
Roxies Solitude
June 13th, 2012
My life at Pike Place Market
June 13th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie Great reflections! Love Roxies Solitude. :)

I haven't 'played' with water in so long. Need to find some time to do that again!

June 13th, 2012
@russianblue Thank you! What a freakin' fantastic photograph!! I haven't played with water like this. I'm fascinated with it. JC, I'm thankful for you posting that article... gonna' read it when I'm not so tired. I would love to play with water. It's something I'm really familiar with having been a competitive swimmer for 18 years. Russianblue, this is really a killer shot!
June 13th, 2012
@petaqui Very nice shots! I like the HDR of Lago Louise! Very cool way to bring in the sky and the foreground. Well done!

@eyesofbetsie Hello! Very nice post processing on these; I like how some of the shot are black and white, while the rest are colored. Well done!

@russianblue Very cool! Nice frozen motion and great colors underneath. Well focused. You should definitely get back into the water shots! It's a lot of fun (iI found that out today!)
June 13th, 2012
Took this back in April. It's the Reflecting Pool Waterfall at the World Trade Center site.

June 13th, 2012
I have a lot of water shots - Water is a big part of my life, I drink gallons of it, my farm depends on it, and after growing up on the coast I am drawn to the sea to swim and stare ...

This is one of my most recent shots - I love the light on the dew drops ...

I love this one too, because I can look at it and hear the soft "swish" of the water running up the sand ...

Water is big on the farm - not much we can do with out it ...

I love the deafening roar of a waterfall
June 13th, 2012

I like trying to catch water crowns or other odd looking drops of water... :)
June 13th, 2012

June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012

June 13th, 2012

June 13th, 2012
heres a photo I took recently..
June 13th, 2012
First try at a Silk look on a waterfall...I couldn't use a very long exposure because my tripod is broken, so I was leaning up agains a big rock

June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
How about ripples?

June 13th, 2012
One of my favorites

oh and a new fav :)

June 13th, 2012
90 feet of water
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
Record Rainfall

June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
good post topic...

June 13th, 2012
Not a nice clear shot, but the only one in my project! My sad little alien:

June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
Just posted this one today, hand held

And this one where I made my own waterfall with a longer exposure
June 13th, 2012
Thats a fantastic photo!!
June 13th, 2012
Wow...how did I miss this one?? Just went over and faved it!
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
A lot of my shots are seascapes as I live by the sea but this is my favourite one:

June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
I have taken more watery snaps than I thought but none of them are anything special!

June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
Two of my favorites from my project!

June 13th, 2012
@danacarruthers Fantastic shot! FAVING right now!
June 13th, 2012

June 13th, 2012
Dropping it

First attempt at long exposure

The run through
June 13th, 2012
One of my favorites:

June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
I also have lots of water shots.
I just got back from being at the ocean in North Carolina so here are a few:

And here arejust a few that I have done around my house:

And I love dew drops on flowers:

June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
A few of my recent water shots.

June 13th, 2012
taken today
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
my first attempt at moving water
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
One of my own favourite watershots!
June 13th, 2012
Now I'm itching to try some of the water drop captures, but it will have to wait until the kids are in bed after youth group tonight at the earliest. I can't pick a favorite of the ones posted so far. :-D
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012

June 13th, 2012
Today’s photo….

Some older ones….

And a water based selfie….

June 13th, 2012
My recent one
June 13th, 2012
I love water drops, or in this case milk drops :)
June 13th, 2012
Plenty of water here
June 13th, 2012
June 13th, 2012
English "Summer"
June 13th, 2012
@notsorandompics Love this, looks so peaceful.
June 13th, 2012
i have just done a mini series of gloop, sometimes liquid, sometimes solid,
June 13th, 2012
June 14th, 2012
I have two for you. Here's the first- The Bushkill Creek, a well-known fishing river which runs through our community:
June 14th, 2012
And here's another more recent shot: Moss Glen Falls, in Vermont.
June 14th, 2012
This discussion inspired me to try again, since it's been awhile... Here's what I was able to catch tonight. I plan on trying again this weekend.
June 14th, 2012
Back in February when the weather was bad I was playing with cream and water drops.

Oh and a water walking duck:

June 14th, 2012
June 14th, 2012
Here's one of a multitude
June 14th, 2012
June 14th, 2012
June 14th, 2012
June 14th, 2012

June 14th, 2012

June 15th, 2012
How about frozen water? And...if you look closely, the hose to her Camelbak.

June 15th, 2012
June 15th, 2012
These are phone pics I took during a three day April storm

June 15th, 2012

June 15th, 2012

June 15th, 2012

Taken with my old digicam
June 15th, 2012

June 15th, 2012

taken on a wet day
June 15th, 2012
before I post anything - not that mine are great - just what do you intend doing with them? I also live at the coast so I've got lots water themed pics - just wondering :)
June 15th, 2012
I like how the color stayed in the splash (used selective color)
June 16th, 2012
July 11th, 2012
My sister is having a problem getting her share code to work, so I'll share her underwater picture with you.

July 12th, 2012
I just tried a new experiment - what do you think?

July 13th, 2012
July 13th, 2012
July 13th, 2012
July 13th, 2012
July 13th, 2012
July 13th, 2012
July 13th, 2012
July 14th, 2012

Mine is under July 7th!!!!!!!! Hope you enjoy!
July 14th, 2012
July 15th, 2012

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