Favorite picture of your project Sept 1-7th and Why?

September 7th, 2013
I think Jann @jannkc needed someone to host this thread, but may have not gotten many repsonses so I am game this week. Please post your favorite photo of the week and tell us why it is so special to you!

This is my lastest photo to celebrate frogmato by @bobfoto...hubby and I had a ton of giggles getting this silly shot and his serious face.
September 7th, 2013
This one, because I think in the end, with a little editing, I could get something interesting from a not very auspicious shot...

September 7th, 2013
I had volunteered and arranged with Jann to take it over for a little while, starting last week. I guess you missed last week's thread - I've changed the day to Sunday for the thread as it fits in better with me that way, so was going to post this thread tomorrow but you've saved me a job! I don't mind, by the way, I was just letting you know it had been sorted :)
September 7th, 2013
@roachling Oh good...I felt bad I didn't respond. Thanks for taking it over, sorry about that...I think Sunday is a better day too!
September 7th, 2013
It'll have to be this one for me as I've had a tough week starting a new job and post-grad studies, no time for photography, I'm behind on here, but this is my favourite of the few I've uploaded! (Will be catching up as soon as poss!)

September 7th, 2013
no problem :) I'm in the UK so it's Sunday evening, my time, when I'll be posting the thread - I'm not sure what time that is for you. I was going to run it Monday to Sunday, starting this week with Monday 2nd to Sunday 8th but I'll start that next week. I'm just hosting this thread for 3 or 4 months as I've just gone back to university and I don't think I'll be able to carry on here after the end of the year, due to my work load! I
September 7th, 2013
Love this! can't believe I have completed over 3 months of this project now and never posted a pic of my Harvey! He looks so,angelic here! just love how the black and white really captures the emotion of love!

September 7th, 2013
The editing result here was all I could have asked for in this extremely difficult light and shade mixture that must cover 8 or more EV stops.

September 7th, 2013
Has to be this one. We had fun shooting it and the photo just makes me smile. That is what photography and 365 are to me right now. I don't want to take any of it too seriously!
September 7th, 2013
September 7th, 2013
Well - this is the only one I've posted for those dates so far - madly trying to catch up after a holiday and computer problems. This is a shot to remind me of a fabulous ten days in Croatia. This is the harbour at Cavtat.
September 7th, 2013
This is not really a picture but a collage of photos that I made this week from some photos that I took a couple of weeks ago at a balloon festival. I like it because it is colorful and gives a truer picture of the event that I saw.
September 7th, 2013
I was really pleased to spot this heron whilst on holiday in Switzerland last week. Herons are always so timid here in the UK and don't seem to like being photographed!
September 8th, 2013
Because "the raindrop" shot had eluded me for so long!

September 8th, 2013
This was my favorite, because it shows the beauty of Summer changing into Autumn.

September 8th, 2013
This one ... it turmed out pretty well considering that this guy was riding in front of me ... which gave me a excuse to stop the car ...and pick the camera from my seat and do quick couple of shots ...!!
September 8th, 2013
This was my favorite of the butterfly shots that I took during that time period.
September 8th, 2013
This is my favorite for this week because of the way I was finally able to capture it!
September 8th, 2013
This is my favorite of the week. I like the unusual perspective and the sun light.

September 8th, 2013
It's been a swan-kind-of-week. I almost posted my photo from Sept 2 because it's funny (a goose who thinks he will grow up to be a swan) but it's not technically a very good photo (just well timed and snapped). I decided to go with this one because it had enough clarity that even the water drops on its head after taking a drink showed in the photo:

September 8th, 2013
Has to be this one. I took photos at a dog trial today, and learned that photographing dogs is a WHOLE lot more DIFFICULT than photographing horses. You can't use a tripod...The dogs don't have riders, and miss obstacles, take them in the opposite direction, spin in circles, and generally race around like lunatics. The expression on this dog's face (best viewed large to get the full effect) is illustrative of this.

September 8th, 2013
Because it's one of those moments that are gone in the blink of an eye!

September 8th, 2013
@rafesmar Excellent POV and texture to this one
September 8th, 2013
@roachling Wow you are busy, but what droplets and web shot! Spot on~
September 8th, 2013
@gijo1610 Great job catching kitty emotion!
September 8th, 2013
@frankhymus Great editing!
September 8th, 2013
@egad Oh my goodness, so glad my sons are grown, if they had seen this, they would have wanted a go! Great work!
September 8th, 2013
@wenbow Great black and white...the eyes are terrific!
September 8th, 2013
@annemary @morrisphotos Anne and Terry your photos make me want to visit!
September 8th, 2013
@suesmith Trmendous reflection and colors!
September 8th, 2013
@mzzhope Excellent droplet-`super work~
September 8th, 2013
I feel I have had a good week this week. I'm going to go for this one of my little man and his love of these insects. There are lots of them around at this time of year in lots of different colours. Not normally a fan of SC but think it works okay here.

September 8th, 2013
@grizzlysghost Wow that is amazing!
September 8th, 2013
@victoriaboyd Your work really paid off here, nice catch!
September 8th, 2013
@jyokota Droplets, reflections, swans you have a terrific photo! Wow!
September 8th, 2013
@denisedaly How did I miss this? Love the light Denise
September 8th, 2013
@kbird61 Now that is a serious macro! Well done!
September 8th, 2013
@grannysue How did I miss this one, Linda what a marvelous capture!
September 8th, 2013
@friend2303 Excellent job keeping your eyes open and camera close, this is amazing!
September 8th, 2013
@daisy Oh no, it is upon us, what tremendous colors you have captured!
September 8th, 2013
@thirtysevenways Saw this on the PP wanted to show my kinders, they love bugs!
September 8th, 2013
@httpgeffed that's cool Colleen.
September 8th, 2013
I like this mostly because it was a fun evening out shooting pictures in the dark with my daughter.
September 8th, 2013
@roachling I am in the CT Zone in the US, that explains why I didn't see the post. I am glad you are hosting, let me know if you can't for some reason and I will try to help out!
September 8th, 2013
@lisabell This has an amazing feel of yesterday or a time long ago, well done!
September 8th, 2013
@lisabell I love this shot, Lisabell. Feels to me like really early morning and an adventure is about to happen. And I like the star effect on the left as well. Very nice! Actually ... fav.
September 8th, 2013
Really like the end result of one of my favorite flowers.

September 8th, 2013
I loved this one because I got to show my funny. I love to give people a laugh and come up with creative ideas for shots, especially selfies.
September 8th, 2013
@amandal Haha this is super, I will have to show my Kinders what really happened to Red Riding Hood!
September 8th, 2013
@tommiel Amazing details, well done!
September 8th, 2013
@httpgeffed :)))) I plan to do a follow up...Little Red Light Riding Hood. Don't show them that one;-).
September 8th, 2013
@amandal Oh my...might have to show hubby that one!
September 8th, 2013
My Swinging Wasp has to be my favorite. As a relative "newbie" on 365, this is my first photo to make it to the Popular page. The wild flowers behind our house have been loaded with wasps lately, but this was the first time I had a good look at a wasp's face. Kind of like a cartoon character...or an alien!

September 8th, 2013
went out to play with the camera in back yard with golden light and noticed a dragonfly watching me

September 8th, 2013
Just love this place.
September 8th, 2013
@featherstone Great job making it to the PP and wow excellent wasp capture!
September 8th, 2013
@loztsoul Tremendous job capturing the "golden hour" and blue damsel!
September 8th, 2013
@hollandcrew What a great place, where is it located. The reflection is awesome!
September 8th, 2013
It would have to be this one... the sun flare and the composition worked out.
September 8th, 2013
I find it challenging to take an intentionally unfocused shot, but thought this one was my most successful one to date...
September 8th, 2013
I like the lonely eerie feel of this shot, I was challenged to take photos of light trails this week.
September 8th, 2013
This was 'it' for me this week because it was such a shift from Beaver Island to Chicago in mind/attitude, not just physically with the move home.
September 8th, 2013
This may not be my "best" picture of the week (my first here at 365 Project) but it's my favorite. I love the tones and textures.
September 8th, 2013
I have to go with my pink flamingo...I took other shots that are like the types of shots people usually go for with the pink flamingos,but I prefer this one partly because it is unique as far as flamingos go, but also because of the focus on the eye, the lighting, the texture, the detail (you can see the veins in part of the beak), and because the portrait technique has the flamingo looking similar to Mona Lisa. (imho anway ;p)
September 8th, 2013
@vankrey I really like this intentionally out-of-focus shot. Very ethereal.
September 8th, 2013
It was a fun evening with several friends and things really came together.

September 8th, 2013
@hollandcrew Whoa, that's beautiful
September 8th, 2013
@taffy Surreal!
September 8th, 2013
@vankrey I'd say that's a great success!
September 8th, 2013
This one because I've never gotten so many views on one photo :)

September 8th, 2013
I just like the colour and lines.

September 8th, 2013

I was really happy with how this turned out. It is my entry for the 5+2 fairy tale challenge.
September 8th, 2013
Saw it in my nightmare. Composed it in my mind and with just a gooey, gloppy exception, it's exactly how I saw it in my mind.

September 8th, 2013
Im still practising macro but i was reasonably happy to catch this bee flying...

September 8th, 2013
Special for me because it's the first butterfly photo I've managed plus the lighting on the thistle and the DOF all came together perfectly:
September 8th, 2013
Because it shows how life with two boys in the house can be.

My life.
September 8th, 2013
This has to be mine, I just love the blues.
September 8th, 2013
I liked the way this building looked with all its windows, and with the sun reflecting off of it. The tree in the foreground also adds a nice touch.

September 8th, 2013

September 8th, 2013
This one because I like the below and above water aspect:
September 8th, 2013
Thank you, I will! There was another lady who posted on Jann's thread a couple of weeks ago and said she would take it over when I need to pass it on, but if she changes or mind or wants to share the job, maybe you could take it over after me! I will let you know if I can't host it one week - it's handy to have a back up. Thanks.
September 8th, 2013

My fav little friend!
September 8th, 2013
This is my eldest daughter; I took this photo on Father's Day when we went to the lake for a picnic.

September 8th, 2013
@httpgeffed @roachling Thank you both for jumping in on this one. Really a fun one to keep going. Enjoy!
September 8th, 2013
With only two post this week I will choose the baseball game since its not my ordinary kind of photo. Lots of fun people shots at the game.
September 8th, 2013
This one of the red-shouldered hawk because of the detail, his pose, the background plus it was sooc.
September 8th, 2013
I guess this one:

even though it didn't turn out how I wanted.
September 8th, 2013
@katieannb Stunning details!
September 8th, 2013
@traceyhn Excellent edits and processing!
September 8th, 2013
@vankrey The black and white bokeh is tremendous, well done!
September 8th, 2013
@corgimom Excellent trails and night shot!
September 8th, 2013
@taffy Very dramatic shot for a dramatic time!
September 8th, 2013
@pcarlaw This is beautiful, like a still life art piece!
September 8th, 2013
@jsw0109 I love your comparision to the Mona Lisa, indeed she does!
September 8th, 2013
@tigerdreamer Sounds like good memories to go with a wonderful rusty old cart, nice work
September 8th, 2013
@kaleidoscopeyes Tremendous protrait!
September 8th, 2013
@kjarn Great eye and color!
September 8th, 2013
@megstorey Your Sleeping Beauty is a real gem, well done!
September 8th, 2013
@thomastoth I saw this one and loved it! Great work and creepy shot!
September 8th, 2013
@mrsbaldy Nice work!
September 8th, 2013
@julieco WOW, you did a marvelous job! Great butterfly!
September 8th, 2013
@ikamera Love your inner calm in the chaotic world of boys. I have two I know how crazy it can be!
September 8th, 2013
@bulldog The color and composition of this is amazing!
September 8th, 2013
@teamquavers Great sunflare reflection!
September 8th, 2013
@peterdegraaff Excellent black and white.
September 8th, 2013
@happysnap That view is tremendous well taken!
September 8th, 2013
@gmost Great tones and feel to your photo!
September 8th, 2013
@nicolecampbell What a keepsake, excellent portrait!
September 8th, 2013
@jannkc Great shot Jann, not easy from that far away!
September 8th, 2013
@cimes1 Looks like your hawk is looking for dessert, love it!
September 8th, 2013
@kaesebiscuit Great peeking sunflare and sunflower combination!
September 8th, 2013
@roachling No worries! Just let me know!
September 8th, 2013
I am starting to see the joys of low light photography and this shot is dark but yet so colourful

September 8th, 2013
I just love b/w photos
September 8th, 2013
The photo experience means as much as the end result to me, and I was sitting in a small airplane with the door removed to get this photo.
September 8th, 2013
I like the softness of this and I was happy with the results of the panning even though I didn't have a tripod with me

September 8th, 2013
@jayberg This is a wonderful photo of how stunning low light photos can be!
September 8th, 2013
@simon0128 Great old time feel to this, great POV
September 8th, 2013
@rvwalker Wow! Amazing and a bit scary, well done!
September 8th, 2013
@jcarrollphoto I love the composition and colors of your photo!
September 8th, 2013
Always lots of work to be done on the farm!

September 8th, 2013
September 8th, 2013
@dawnie Haha and he is the pup to do it, great humor Dawna!
September 8th, 2013
@aprilmilani Love the softness of your photo!
September 8th, 2013
I like this one for the memory of a nice end of summer trip...

September 8th, 2013
I love this place and feel very fortunate for having been there.

September 8th, 2013
I like this because though I managed to catch the bee nice and sharp I've also managed to capture the blurry, dreamy background I was after.

September 8th, 2013
@kaynadog Keith the details and color make this shot a WINNER! WOW
September 8th, 2013
@anazad511 Love this AnaZad!
September 8th, 2013
@mamamia Joanne what a stunning shot, love how the geese are flying home
September 8th, 2013
This is mine from yesterday. So far no views even, but I love this one . My husband was in his first "Tough Mudder" obstacle course yesterday and I captured this of him on the left, but later realized the action of the other participants in this too which was a bonus.


September 8th, 2013
This was done completely on a whim as the shot I had planned to do had failed miserably... as it turned out it was probably my favourite shot of the week. -
September 8th, 2013
This is my favorite photo because it lookes like my dog (Cody) is sniffing inside the camera lense :)
September 8th, 2013
@neuner123 Haha your pup is a cutie!
September 8th, 2013
@gazbadger Oh this shot is...well dare I say it..."timeless"~
September 8th, 2013
@httpgeffed Thanks!
September 8th, 2013
@mercynursey Well done!
September 8th, 2013
@httpgeffed Thank you Colleen... great minds think alike... this is the title I chose =)
September 8th, 2013
I love this, because I actually managed to do something in Photoshop....and because the shot of Craig and me walking with Mr Toka the lion brings back so many wonderful memories

September 8th, 2013
I quite liked this because of the early morning mist hiding everything beyond the sheep.
September 8th, 2013
September 8th, 2013
This is mine. I only realised how clear the fly was when I got home and saw it on the big screen.

September 8th, 2013
It's been fantastic weather in the UK this summer so rain has been a bit of a novelty recently. We had a short downpour followed by sun and I loved the light through the petals and the raindrops sitting on them

September 8th, 2013
@pixiemac Well done! Reminds me of an old movie "Born Free"
September 8th, 2013
@barrowlane Great feel to this one!
September 8th, 2013
@momsta Was the horse calling for pizza? Cute photo!
September 8th, 2013
@plasticpilchard Amazing details on the fly and flower
September 8th, 2013
@taz_o Wonderful color, droplets and light! Spot on!
September 8th, 2013
@httpgeffed Cheers. Much appreciated.
September 8th, 2013

I like this photo because it reminds me of my holiday.
September 8th, 2013

This. No doubt. I discovered the charm of night photography this week. :D
September 8th, 2013
I really love this tree and liked how it looked in the rain.
September 8th, 2013
@mittens Wonderful weeping willow shot!
September 8th, 2013
@paign The light flares are incredible!
September 8th, 2013
@chris17 Nicely done!
September 8th, 2013
because I love this building that has the capacity to make me think "wow" every time I come along...
September 9th, 2013
@httpgeffed Thank you :D

I fell in love with them myself. I wasn't even expecting to get them really. I totally forgot about the High aperture causing them xD
September 9th, 2013
@cocobella Amazing what it this building, the lines and curves are out of this world.
September 9th, 2013
@httpgeffed thank you SO much!
September 9th, 2013

This candid photo of my parents is one of my all-time favorites! It's so hard to get a good picture of them because my dad is always making a goofy face at the camera! I found the secret - take it when he isn't looking! Ha ha!
September 9th, 2013

I like this one since it marks 9 years since I started my photo-a-day project.
September 9th, 2013
Because I liked how this one turned out :) !

September 9th, 2013
because I just stuck the camera out the window of the car and snapped

September 9th, 2013
I liked the moment here as this couple greet each other and the statue that looks like a spirit.

September 9th, 2013

Because it was something a little different that I had in my head - and, I think, it worked !
September 9th, 2013
'Eye opener!'

I tried to look for some beauty in this beast (which is eating my whole crop) and finally nailed him by the (eye) balls :)
September 9th, 2013
@friend2303 wonderful curved lines and lighting!
September 9th, 2013
Difficult choice for mw because unusually there were two that I really liked this week.
This one wins out because of the colour.

September 9th, 2013
Mostly because it was such a great evening :)

September 9th, 2013
I just found this scene so touching with the little child partciipating in launching the boat.
September 9th, 2013

I love that shot, Julie, not sure how I missed it.
September 9th, 2013
@wildwood28 What a gorgeous lady slipper, well done
September 9th, 2013
@juliedduncan Julie you captured you parents so well! Great sneaking!
September 9th, 2013
@sudweeks I am on year 3...I hope to have a water dance like this someday! Awesome!!!!
September 9th, 2013
@semjaja Nice work Sam!
September 9th, 2013
@streats This has so many levels of reflection and layers...WOW!
September 9th, 2013
@stoat Simply marvelous!
September 9th, 2013
@stimuloog Great snail shot...shame on him!
September 9th, 2013
@lellie There is a great gentle quality about this...nice little tomatoes
September 9th, 2013
@farrah Cheers and well taken!
September 9th, 2013
@quietpurplehaze Great capturing the world around you!!
September 9th, 2013
My fave was this big guy

I had been hoping I'd get one eventually and sure enough I did! Plus he was so curious which was a great added bonus.
September 9th, 2013
@adventuringowls Fantastic macro...what a handsome devil!
September 9th, 2013
I tried to capture the silence and stillness of the empty city at night and I'm quite happy with the result.

September 10th, 2013
@mara19500 Wonderful night photo in black and white!
September 10th, 2013
This is my first attempt and quite happy with the result

September 10th, 2013
@godsloverphotography Great images you have combined!
September 10th, 2013
@httpgeffed Thank you, Colleen! I think it's awesome you reply to all of these! Whew! :)
September 10th, 2013
@quietpurplehaze Thank you, Hazel! :)
September 10th, 2013
Total newbie here, but thought I should start branching out into the discussion boards. So many beautiful pictures here!
This one has to be my favorite because I was having so much fun watching my kids play with the butterflies when I took it. It makes me smile when I look at it.
September 10th, 2013
@juliedduncan LOL I am only filling in this week...yikes...if I had to every week, but oh how wonderful too! The photos are amazing and most never reach the PP! So many of them deserve some serious LOV'n :)
September 10th, 2013
@aloftus Amy, this is amazing!
September 10th, 2013
Actually three images, but I enjoyed creating the collage!

September 10th, 2013
Because it's one of those images I have to keep going back to, thinking "I took that? Me? Really?" And until I got it home and processed it, I didn't think it was going to be anything particularily special!
September 10th, 2013
Because I rarely photograph myself but was pleased with this selfie.

September 10th, 2013
This one mainly because it was such an unusual morning with the fog.

September 10th, 2013
This is my favourite this week partly because it turned out as I'd hoped and I love the oriental feel.

September 10th, 2013

I'm heading off on safari in December so this was just a teaser! I'm excited.
September 10th, 2013
@aloftus Amy thats a beautiful picture!
September 10th, 2013
@thebluegnu Fabulous zebra (I assume...!) And enjoy the holiday :) i assume there will be lots of photos taken there.
September 10th, 2013
This is my favourite from 3rd - I get a night out every week when a babysitter looks after my daughter and I go and row with friends on the Amstel river in Amsterdam. Rowing is always followed by a nice glass of wine. Always a lovely evening!


I don't know what I've done wrong, but I have pasted the link but no photo appears...oh well...you can click through if thats ok :)
September 10th, 2013
@httpgeffed Thank you for your kind words, Colleen, much appreciated.
September 10th, 2013
@karenweetman thank you :) I always appreciate the feedback.
September 10th, 2013
@3rdxoff Nice group of gremlins!
September 10th, 2013
@thebluegnu Oh my this is great! Have a blast!
September 10th, 2013
@adayinmallacoota @malc What beautiful views you have photographed!
September 10th, 2013
@soboy5 Great smile and selfie!
September 10th, 2013
@cassiadawn Great black and white portrait!
September 11th, 2013

This has to be my favourite as it made it to PP :-)
September 11th, 2013
@jacjacs68 Congrats on the PP and wow what awesome texture and processing
September 12th, 2013
@httpgeffed wow ! I'm honoured thanks so much Colleen :-)
September 14th, 2013
September 14th, 2013
@amyamoeba Tee Hee I like my veggies properly scared! Great DOF and POV
September 15th, 2013
I love this selfie, cause I think I look sophisticated - in an artsy, bohemian kind of way..
September 15th, 2013
@tabbycat Wow interesting selfie, it provokes emotion, well taken
September 15th, 2013
@httpgeffed Thanks Colleen. That's precisely why I like it, because I rarely seem to be able to convey emotion in my selfies..
September 15th, 2013
@httpgeffed Haha!! Frogmato lives on!!! :-)
September 15th, 2013
@tabbycat Why of course frogmato lives on...tremendous art is copied all the time. Thanks for the chuckle! PS My selfiesonly convey humor! :)
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