Busy Day in Devon. by 30pics4jackiesdiamond

Busy Day in Devon.

Preparing van, Trago Mills and their peacock. Thrashed grandson at Minotaurus ( twice) abstracted yesterday's sunflowers through the front door and reading his brother's book.
It WASN'T a party, doing a survey, cake topper, balloon bouncing, early gift, ready for bed

PoJT being bossed about by a very nearly 2 year old
Bed looks cosy. Hope that the weather is kind to you on you onward travels. Fun day by the sounds of it.
September 8th, 2024  
Sounds like fun. Shame we crossed paths in the opposite direction!
September 8th, 2024  
You packed a lot in! I like the arty photos of your day.
September 8th, 2024  
Whew! It made me tired, just to read all of that, and to look at the photos was almost as fatiguing, but it looks like it must’ve been a wonderful day for you
September 8th, 2024  
September 8th, 2024  
It is hard work being 2. Beautiful collection of photos.
September 8th, 2024  
Very nice
September 9th, 2024  
Love the collage.
September 9th, 2024  
Wonderful collage of your fun day
September 9th, 2024  
Lovely images beautifully captured and presented Jackie:)
September 9th, 2024  
Great collage!
September 9th, 2024  
@dkbarnett thank you
@pcoulson very kind
@kjarn it was busy

@briaan thanks Brian
@paulabriggs ta
@shutterbug49 certainly was today, he's shattered

@joansmor :)
@grammyn it was better today, dint share him if them this morning
@randystreat you should see the van packed full, left loads at daughter's!!

@casablanca I know, and not for first time!!
@wakelys if it's not it's not. Hoping nice on Sunday to see @cutekitty and @swillinbillyflynn performing outdoors!!
September 9th, 2024  
Wow you did a lot in one day! Super fun collage. Fav!
September 9th, 2024  
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