The Lost Words by 30pics4jackiesdiamond

The Lost Words

Went to Nyemans to view some original artwork by Jackie Morris for The Lost Words. A beautiful book inspired by the diminishing vocabulary of children. Apparantly British children are more likely to recognise a picture of a Pokemon character than a kingfisher, otter or starling.
It's the same all over, such a tragedy for mankind.
March 30th, 2019  
It’s such a pity that a lot of children don’t read anymore!
March 30th, 2019  
It's a beautiful book, but a shame there is a need to produce such things. Lovely photo.
March 30th, 2019  
You know there's been a series of concerts around this? I wanted to go, but it was sold out when I had the spare pennies. But they are at Folk by the Oak in July
March 30th, 2019  
Sounds fascinating - will have to research it!
March 30th, 2019  
What a beautiful picture to start this conversation on such a concerning topic.
March 30th, 2019  
Lovely still life.
March 30th, 2019  
It is a sad time. Thanks for the link. Not only are our children losing words, they can't even spell the words they do know these days either.
March 31st, 2019  
It's a sad indictment on today's society. How often do you see tiny tots in strollers being entertained by screens - language development goes out the window :(
March 31st, 2019  
Fabulous still life photo and a wonderful undertaking for the author and artist.
March 31st, 2019  
A beautiful still life. And kids miss out on so much when they don't spend time reading - and they don't even know what they're missing...
April 2nd, 2019  
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