... Lookin' out my back door ... by Weezilou

... Lookin' out my back door ...

How cool is this?! Nope, not two photos...One picture... I do believe Frosty sent her kids over to visit! We haven't seen her for a few months, but she'd disappeared at the same time last year and was an obvious mommy when we next saw her. Yesterday we saw the scraggly-tailed male and a small female. I named her "Snowflake" in keeping with the "frosty-theme"... Today, well, how about this! Two girls, the other, "Dew Drop"...no, I can't tell them apart yet. They're not skittish, but I can't get outside to entice them over yet. I'm so happy to have them here and they (and the many birds, ducks & the hummers) are great entertainment!

That blue backdrop is the pool interior that was applied only yesterday. It's being filled today as you read this. The job is as good as done...just a couple of small items to wrap up the job! I'll rely on Ken to photograph the reveal and you can go back to that mid-February date and see where we began! The party I was hoping to have is on pause, but it's now a lovely place to sit, meditate and heal! Need therapy? Hire a squirrel (or two)!
Very cool
May 23rd, 2015  
May 23rd, 2015  
well, i hope frosty comes by for a visit.
May 23rd, 2015  
Excellent fav
May 23rd, 2015  
Mirror images of each other! Cute!
May 23rd, 2015  
Fab therapy and what a great shot!
May 23rd, 2015  
The squirrels do provide some good therapy for healing! This is a wonderful shot.
May 23rd, 2015  
Great shot.
May 23rd, 2015  
my husband laughed his head off. Not sure what exactly caught his funny bone, though it is really cute.
May 23rd, 2015  
What a cool shot of Frosty and snowflake!
So glad they are able to help you in your healing process Louise!
They are so entertaining!
May 23rd, 2015  
What a great shot
May 23rd, 2015  
nice capture, those little guys are fast
May 23rd, 2015  
You visitors are so much more beautiful and funny as ours. Sometimes I think I do run a for free food store for the birds. But it`s payed off. They sing lovely. So I ve a for free concert . Fav. pic. `
May 23rd, 2015  
Kept wondering how you were getting along. Glad you're on the mend. These two ladies look quite at home feasting on the titbits. Enjoy the pool when filled and speedy recovery
May 23rd, 2015  
Double trouble!
May 23rd, 2015  
Love those bouffant tails! (I almost wrote "tales", but I'm not quite sure what a puffed-up story would look like.)
May 23rd, 2015  
@allie912 Oh thanks, Allie! At this very moment I'm watching one of the little guys no more than 6' from me enjoying a repast of sunflower seeds! Keeping them all happy is cheap entertainment! Since I'm sitting still in the wheel chair at the open door, I think if Ken will keep moving the food closer cover coming days, I'll soon have more tame squirrels! You KNOW I'd love that!!!

Thanks for your note the other day an for coming by again. Bit by bit I try to make my way around to everyone; which I could do better, but know how very much I appreciate your presence here with me :)
May 23rd, 2015  
They are sooooooooooo cute and I love squirrels!!! We have several that come into our yard and they eat all the bird feed. So I have to stop feeding the regular birds until they go back to our back woods and get their own food!! I also have a chipmunk that learned to climb the bird feeder and eat their seed also!! They all made me laugh but I'd go broke buying bird feed for all of them!! I throw feed in the yard and who ever gets it, gets it until I feel safe to fill the feeders again!! Love this capture and the two little cuties!!! FAV!
May 23rd, 2015  
So, is this Snowflake and Dew Drop? Two real cuties, and I don't think it will be long before they are eating out of your hands again!! They are adorable, and since Frosty has gone missing maybe you could convince them that you are their mommy! Then, again, with you leaving for NS they would have early abandonment issues!!
May 23rd, 2015  
How I would love them in my backyard :) Enjoy!
May 24th, 2015  
@gilbertwood ...trade a couple of cockies and a rosella for one of these? You get to corner the market on beautuiful birds!
May 24th, 2015  
@Weezilou Good trade thanks :)
May 24th, 2015  
Oh so cute! I certainly thought it was a collage until I read your comment.
May 24th, 2015  
Nice view out you back door. Glad you posted this. They look like they are at home enjoying all the food they can eat. There tails are so fluffy. Maybe Frosty told them about your place and that they needed to go there. ;)
May 24th, 2015  
Wow, I thought it was two pictures, super shot. Lucky you.
May 25th, 2015  
Such a precious picture! And you're right, these little cuties are definitely excellent therapy. Congrats on the completion of your pool project. When you finally get to throw that party, it's going to be extra special as it means you've finally achieved recovery from your unbelievable mishap.
June 2nd, 2015  
What a cute couple of squirrels. You got a really nice capture of them.
June 5th, 2015  
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