Bed Bug by Weezilou

Bed Bug

How that cat *loves* Ken! Wherever we are, he's with us, but if he sees two choices, he goes to Ken first! Many nights I come to bed when Ken's asleep, and, not seeing Tigger, walk around the bed to see if he's there.

This is typical. He's our cat who's more than a pet...he knows we're family and we couldn't adore him more. Nothing lasts forever, but along the way, life with him is a love-fest!
The two other cats I had as an adult were wonderful cats but the didn't like to cuddle or to be held unless it was their idea. So when I decided to adopt another cat I wanted a cuddler. So I went into her area and she licked my nose and came and sat in my lap. I was sold. And we are family. She sleeps next to my pillow but when I fall asleep she can climb up on top of me, I explain I am not a mattress but she wants to cuddle. She wants my body heat. I put her back in her spot and share my afghan and she falls back to sleep. So I get your story.
April 23rd, 2024  
Gorgeous Tigger! Oh how I would love to have a cuddle with him! George is not very obliging!
April 23rd, 2024  
April 23rd, 2024  
Awwww how sweet. I’m so glad he recovered from his illness!
April 24th, 2024  
@joansmor I love your expanded comment! I feel as though we've just sat in your kitchen to swap kitty stories! And, if Ken leaves early to go golfing of to the gym, I wake up with Tigger on top of me also! We're very blessed to have such good kitties!
April 24th, 2024  
Tigger is all snuggled up and looks so comfortable.
April 24th, 2024  
Aww... precious!
April 24th, 2024  
April 24th, 2024  
That sounds like Minky and I, she sleeps in my arm every night and I love it :-)
April 24th, 2024  
@ludwigsdiana We all need cuddle bugs!
April 24th, 2024  
@pamknowler If you came in, pulled up a chair and we began to visit, he'd be in your lap in a heartbeat! He knows no strangers
April 24th, 2024  
That's what I mean! Beautiful. He looks so so content. I wish my cats were snugglers, even tho it would mean Ed (or I) would lose our space in the bed like you!
April 24th, 2024  
Oh that looks snug.
April 24th, 2024  
April 24th, 2024  
Oh my goodness, this is so sweet!
April 24th, 2024  
The best kind of bug
April 24th, 2024  
So sweet!
April 25th, 2024  
That’s really sweet
April 26th, 2024  
He is adorable! Fav.
April 26th, 2024  
What a fabulous image - that cat is SO happy, you just know it! It's that squished nose that does it for me.
April 26th, 2024  
what's the 'danforth' blanket? i know danforth is a name in your family. do i have it right?
June 22nd, 2024  
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