Lost(?) and Found by Weezilou

Lost(?) and Found

For the last couple weeks we've seen this kitty on the yard cam all during the nights. We've assumed someone wasn't being a good family member to keep her in after dark. Last night Tigger was antsy to go out as we were finishing dinner, and we noticed he'd laid down just a foot or two from her and they were looking at each other calmly. It was not going to be me this time who suggested we see if she was hungry, but in no time, Ken made the suggestion! We set out food that she inhaled, and then another bowl of kibble...that also disappeared, all the while Tigger lay there and watched her! We set out a bowl of water and cleaned up for the evening...and she was gone.

Around noon, she and Tigger were back together again just outside the back door. Again, she ate hungrily. We'll go slow so we don't spook her, but when I can catch her, I'll see if there's more than just her name on her collar. If not, my daughter said to also have her checked for a chip.

She's precious, but I know that if she were my kitty, I'd be desperate to find her! I'll be trying to help and see if we can make that happen!

(I have several photos of her sitting closer by, but I love how cute she looks amongst the garden pots!)
Love this photo and your story. The black cat is beautiful and so are your flowers.
April 25th, 2024  
What a lovely photo of this beautiful kitty!
She may be yours now :-)
April 25th, 2024  
i hope she finds her home - whether it's with you or reunited with her family
April 25th, 2024  
Oh, she’s a beauty! Glad you are looking after her.
April 25th, 2024  
I am laughing as the cats always seem to find you! Hope you find her owners but I think you may have a new addition to the family. It seems Tigger likes her already!
April 25th, 2024  
Love her sinuous shape in your tropical garden. The perfect combination!
April 25th, 2024  
Such a pretty kitty in a lovely setting. Hope you can find her people soon.
April 25th, 2024  
I do like how you composed this photo
April 25th, 2024  
Glad she found you. Neat shot
April 25th, 2024  
A wonderful story which I hope has a happy ending for all. I love your garden btw :-)
April 25th, 2024  
At first I thought that this cat liked night walks. But when she ate everything, she's probably looking for a home. An interesting story. A beautiful shot of your flowery garden.
April 25th, 2024  
Stunning! And so kind of you to help and even notice (a lot of folk don't). Here in the UK local rescues will lend out a chip reader, I wonder if worth contacting one in your area? Also, ask around neighbours and the other thing is to make a paper collar with your contact details on it, to see if the kitty does have a home - hopefully an owner will contact you and put your mind at rest. And although people get funny about feeding other people's cats, keep feeding because even if only a chancer, a few extra meals won't harm! I help with strays around my area, just last year alone got 4 into rescue and reunited 2 lost ones, one of which hitched a ride in a car and was quite far from home! Good luck xx
April 25th, 2024  
Oh what a sweetie and story. Don’t forget we will need an update.
April 25th, 2024  
Aren't you wonderful taking such lovely care. I hope you're successful in finding its owner
April 25th, 2024  
Check with some of the veterinarians too.
April 25th, 2024  
She has stunning looks, I’d be desperate to find her too.
April 25th, 2024  
she looks lovely. Hope you find her home.
April 25th, 2024  
April 25th, 2024  
Beautiful shot
April 25th, 2024  
Lovely shot, hope you find her family.
April 25th, 2024  
What a sweet photo...Hopefully you can find her family.
April 25th, 2024  
She does look lovely sitting there.
April 25th, 2024  
I want this story to have a happy ending so please keep us posted. I love the black cat's eyes. Black cats are really smart and love to play at least that has been my experience. They are also talkative.
April 25th, 2024  
She's lovely!
April 25th, 2024  
Classic shot - love it.
April 25th, 2024  
Outstanding capture
April 26th, 2024  
Aha! She's a beauty!
April 26th, 2024  
I love this photo of Carlisle. I also love all of your garden pots!
April 26th, 2024  
April 27th, 2024  
Lovely composition
June 21st, 2024  
Thanks, Renee! She still comes around, but we discovered she has an owner! Just as well, as I would have had to pay to board her while we're away! And her owners might have gotten another cat!~ Best she just comes visiting; she IS awfully cute!
June 22nd, 2024  
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