Retiring a Canadian Icon by Weezilou

Retiring a Canadian Icon

Jeff Hutcheson of CTV's Canada AM program was doing his final morning broadcast from the docks at Lunenburg. 7-10 AM. I'd never seen the show, but local friends raved about what a charming man he was, and, in the past, I've noticed the weathermen are typically the most fun to watch before the camera! It was an excellent opportunity to get lots of pictures of our always-interesting Lunenburg experience. By the time we'd watched him affably chatting with people and posing for photos, I could see why people were so taken with him. Such a pleasant man, and I hope he enjoys his retirement !

Nova posted a photo of the show on air if you'd care for a peek...
Love the processing here Louise!! He sounds like a nice man. A lovely opportunity for photos!!
June 28th, 2016  
Great capture of a historical moment really. I'll have to show Michael he'd love to see this.
June 28th, 2016  
he is a very down-to-earth fellow and seems like a kind person. when I used to have a tv, he did the weather in a very interesting way, others were a down and out bore compared to him. and i love the way he laughs! great shot, louise!
June 28th, 2016  
Love the colors! A special Harmonize.
June 28th, 2016  
Great shot and processing Louise
June 28th, 2016  
Right place right time I guess for you to get this historic shot. Well done
June 28th, 2016  
I will miss Jeff on Canada Am, he was a funny guy!
I love what you did to this Louise!
June 28th, 2016  
Super capture, processing, tones
June 28th, 2016  
Great chance to see how the filming takes place.
June 28th, 2016  
How wonderful. What a great "behind the scenes" shot! :)
June 29th, 2016  
Really nice processing you chose here! Neat shot!
June 29th, 2016  
Super candid Louise, love it.
June 29th, 2016  
Great shot and processing here Louise. I'm glad I captured you capturing him. :)
June 29th, 2016  
Awesome shot
June 29th, 2016  
Would love to be on board, once.
June 29th, 2016  
Cool photo of him! Great that you were able to photograph him and some of the film crew!
June 29th, 2016  
A familiar scene to me now! Does he talk in French?
June 30th, 2016  
Great processing!
June 30th, 2016  
Love your processing.
July 1st, 2016  
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