river otter snack time by amyk

river otter snack time

on the icy pond snacking on something?
Wow! What a stunning capture.
March 18th, 2023  
Great capture.
March 18th, 2023  
That's too cute!
March 18th, 2023  
Great catch- definitely munching on something- frozen fish?
March 18th, 2023  
Great capture!
March 18th, 2023  
Such a great shot of this cutie!
March 18th, 2023  
So cute!
March 18th, 2023  
Great shot!
March 18th, 2023  
March 18th, 2023  
So wonderful - fav
March 18th, 2023  
Great capture.
March 18th, 2023  
Cute. I like the details of its wet fur.
March 18th, 2023  
Great capture
March 18th, 2023  
First time I saw one of these in the water I thought it was an otter but soon found out otherwise when it got up on the ice! Very cute capture!
March 18th, 2023  
Nice capture
March 18th, 2023  
Great shot
March 18th, 2023  
awwww cute
March 18th, 2023  
Great capture!
March 18th, 2023  
Fabulous capture.
March 19th, 2023  
What a fabulous find and a brilliant image. However, Amy, I think you might have misidentified this creature. I am not familiar with Muskrats, we don't have them this side of the Atlantic. We do have Otters though, and I am sure this is a River Otter. The face is just right, as are the paws and the paler fur on its front. The tail though it looks smooth, is that way because it is wetter than the rest of the body, and the entire body can look very sleek when very wet.
One other give away is that Muskrats are herbivores, and stick to plants. Otters are ruthless and very skilled hunters of fish, as here, but also crabs and other shellfish.
March 19th, 2023  
@markp Thanks for the compliment and I laughed when I saw your info regarding identification. I'd spent a lot of time trying to pin down the ID on this guy. Read (and re-read) this article: https://www.maxwaugh.com/2015/06/27/animal-identification-throwdown-otter-vs-beaver-vs-muskrat/ which is pretty interesting and finally decided on muskrat but certainly wasn't 100% sure. We most often see muskrats, but last year at the same location where I took this photo, we saw 2 river otters, so thinking you may be correct. I couldn't get much from this photo regarding the body shape and I do think that is a fish it is eating. Thanks for the info and I've adjusted the title! :)
March 19th, 2023  
Thank you. No problem, I saw the photo before the title and thought that’s a brilliant otter capture. When I saw your title I thought oh !!
I had to look up Muskrat to see what exactly they were.
I’ve seen Otters over here doing very much the same thing as in your image.
March 20th, 2023  
Lovely capture
March 20th, 2023  
Absolutely amazing on the TT Amy It looks like you were lying on that ice for this one
March 24th, 2023  
Darling...congrats on the TT!
March 25th, 2023  
This photo is on Top 20 Chart. Congratulations!
March 26th, 2023  
Congrats - nice one :)
March 26th, 2023  
Just seen this in the not a domestic animal round. I love it. I've never seen a muskrat, and my immediate thought was, what a great otter photography
May 2nd, 2023  
Whoop whoop this beautiful image won the challenge congratulations 👏🎉
May 5th, 2023  
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