On Friday night while we were at marketplace chapel this lady. The one in this picture, stopped in and said she had a couple of friends from Ontario that wanted to see the chapel. So Dorothy and her husband John came in with these two gentlemen
The four of them stayed for the rest of the meeting that night. As it turned out John and Dorothy are Pastors here in Edmonton and the other two gentlemen are also pastors they ended up spending the next couple of ours with us at the chapel.
We ended up spending both Saturday and Sunday evening over at John and Dorothy's home for some special meetings they were hosting
It was two amazing evenings and we have certainly made some very special new friends
@cejaanderson Jane it is a blessing to have it in the mall. The one here in WEM is non-denominational we also have a Catholic Chapel in a downtown mall
I wander what ship it is in the background.
Is there a boat in that market hall? It looks very interesting too!