Our very grown up grandson ready for his last day in pre-school, he starts full time school in September aged 4years 6 months, where does the time go!! He’s come so far we are hoping he settles well with his new teacher whom he met last week, he’s learnt such a lot this past year. His parents need a medal for their never ending patience and understanding of his spectrum, he is such a loving child.
Nice on black
I have had my 10-12 week check up at the hospital today being week 11, I had both my shoulders x-rayed and saw the Professor who did my surgeries. He was extremely pleased with my progress and was surprised at the movement I had for the 11 weeks since the op. I have healed nicely and my right shoulder has been discharged but I have a 6 month apt later this year for my newly operated left arm. He said I should get better movement in this arm over the next few months, in all a very reassuring prognosis!
Thank you for all your lovely comments and favs all are appreciated/and welcome.
A lovely shot, and he certainly looks happy. Our youngest grandaughter finished at the forest nursery that she has been going to. I'm sure she will miss it, but the induction time she had at the school she will be going to seems to have prepared her well for September. As you said, where does the time go to?
Good news about your surgery results. Glad all is going well.