A year with a phone - finished!

November 24th, 2012
Today, quite unexpectedly, I finished my 365 project! Turns out I doubled up on Day 341 and have been a day out ever since ;) Also, since it's a leap year and all it looks like there will be no 25 November in my year with an iPhone, but nonetheless...

It's finished!!!

Like many of you, no doubt, I started out full of enthusiasm and vigour, yet barely stumbled to the finish line. To those few of you who followed me through to the end, a heartfelt thankyou! I appreciated every one of your kind words, even if I long ago lost the energy for much reciprocation (two small children will do that to you).

You know who you are (@mastermek @kjarn @calm @peterdegraaff @cdonohoue @soboy5 @claudilientje @simplyshan @lindag @newbie @sassik @aspada @svt @kwind @northy @mummarazzii @mrsc19 @bobfoto @cvanauker @alisonp @snippets @shamrockinmom)
November 24th, 2012
Here's my personal top 10, in chronological order:

November 24th, 2012
Congrats! It's been a pleasure following you. These top few do really stand out. Will you keep on posting? Perhaps you can show us how awesome you are with other devices????
November 24th, 2012
Congrats Dieter. A great effort
November 24th, 2012
@leigh7900 Thank you :-) I'm not sure just yet... I have a few ideas. Whatever I do next I think I'd like to do it with a real camera again. First, a couple of days off though!
November 24th, 2012
@peterdegraaff Cheers Peter!
November 24th, 2012
Congratulations Dieter! I've enjoyed following you and look forward to your return.
November 24th, 2012
Oh wow ... Congratulations on completing your project - an awesome achievement! - I too have enjoyed following you on your photographic journey. Wish you all the best in whatever you do!
November 24th, 2012
@kjarn thank you Kathy :-)
November 24th, 2012
@alisonp Thanks Alison! Only 121 days to go yourself ;)

(I have to admit, for me it didn't get easier. But a new baby 9 weeks from the end may have had something to do with that)
November 24th, 2012
Congratulations on completing your project Dieter. Whenever someone says you can't get good photos with a phone camera, I show them your project.
And of course I will never forget the fun we had with this

Hope you continue on.
November 24th, 2012
Many congratulations - your iphone images have been an inspiration!
November 24th, 2012
Congratulation Dieter! I love your top 10! First half of it is all new to me, as I've been here less than you. I wish to add a personal Fav of mine:

I really hope to see more!
November 24th, 2012
I to have enjoyed following you! great top 10...hope you will return soon!
November 24th, 2012
You have some great shots here! Congratulations on completing the project.
November 24th, 2012
I remember enjoying so many of the photos in your personal top ten :)

Congrats on finishing a year with the iPhone... not easy at all, I expect! You did a great job Dieter!

Thanks for sharing your expertise on so many things during the year... from printing to calibrating. You definitely got me out of a pickle more than once.

Hope you carry on here into a second year but if you don't is there somewhere else we can follow you?
November 24th, 2012
@dieter oh 121 sounds so close ... I have been unwell this last week, so have not even looked this week ... I have mixed feelings already about finishing ... I have seen a few complete already the past few weeks and I get sad at losing 'friends' but also feelings of immense pride in achieving ... And that's not my project lol ...

Even more of an achievement having a baby in the,last stages - An inspiration for sure - kudos to you!

November 24th, 2012
Wow if ever there was an advert for phone photography, then your project is it. Great achievement
November 24th, 2012
Great achievement, it has been inspiration following you :)
November 24th, 2012
Hi Dieter, congratz! I know that it's not easy, though with an iPhone it might be a bit easy. A great top10, most of them I remember! Hope you will keep enjoying photography, though I expect the daily 365 pressure will not follow you anymore ;-)
November 24th, 2012
Well done Dieter! It's kinda marathon, just too far but after 30+ km it's a shame to quit :-)
If for what reason you decide to go on, it'll be easier. Haha. Easy speaking, I'm in pretty steep dip at the moment, waiting for something to take me up again...
November 24th, 2012
congratulations! you do amazing work with that phone camera!... i remember most of your personal top 10... but my favorite fav of yours isn't there... it's this one :)

November 24th, 2012
You certainly did some amazing things with that phone camera...I am amazed by it...I wanna see what you can do with a real camera, I bet it would be sensational.
November 24th, 2012
Congratulations Dieter!!
Your poject is one of my favorite: I do love so much what you do with your phone!!! ;o))
Great job! Hope to see you soon again there... with phone or camera.
November 24th, 2012
You have had some awesome photos! Two of the first 10 photos I faved on 365 were of Amelia... such precious portraits! I hope you will continue to post here on 365, and I will continue to 'follow'! Congratulations on your first year completion... hope there will be a second year to follow!
November 24th, 2012
Congrats! I've often commented about how you can do with a phone what many of us dream of doing with a DSLR; it's been a pleasure following you! Looking back, this was your first of my faves, 24 Feb 2012!:

November 24th, 2012
Congratulations - you are an inspiration!
November 24th, 2012
I wish I had discovered you before you finished - your Top 10 look great! And, congratulations on getting through the year!
November 24th, 2012
Well done at making it to no. 365 !
November 24th, 2012
@dieter - apart from the big red rock, there's a real North Qld feel to your Top Ten. In fact, your whole collection should be displayed at the Perc, or at least at Pinnacles or Umbrella.

Nice work in completing a year with a phone. Very inspirational.
November 24th, 2012
Congratulations to finishing! So many people end up finishing by accident! haha These top ten are terrific! I will check out your other stuff too! I have an iphone...they can take some good pics if you know w here to look and what they are capable of.
November 25th, 2012
Fantastic work, love your images. You truly have a gift for this photographic thing.
November 25th, 2012
I've enjoyed your project, but thought you had quit some time ago after what seemed like a really long stretch without uploads... good to see that was not the case! Congratulations!
November 25th, 2012
I've always loved this shot:
November 25th, 2012
Cool. Congrats!
November 25th, 2012
Congrats for finishing. Great job.
November 25th, 2012
@onie @bobfoto @peterdegraaff @grizzlysghost ah, the frogmato spoof was a lot of fun :-) not sure how I ever found the time for it though!?
November 25th, 2012
@soboy5 thanks Danny, I've really appreciated all your generous comments!
November 25th, 2012
@sassik @jsw0109 @northy thank you! it's nice to get some feedback on which images struck a chord with others. The airport one didn't miss out by much when I was trying to narrow down a favourite 10 :-)
November 25th, 2012
@ellimae @kjarn I will wait and see for little while before deciding whether or not to return. It is very habit forming though, isn't it? At the moment I'm a bit exhausted with it all (nothing to do with the kids, of course), but I don't think I'll be able to stop completely. Maybe something balancing quantity with quality a bit more - posting on a photoblog once-a-week perhaps... Whatever I come up with I'll be sure to pop on by 365 and let you all know ;)
November 25th, 2012
@grammyn thanks Katy :-) wow, year 2! now that's an inspiration!
November 25th, 2012
@aspada thanks very much Amy, it was nice to meet you here, and your work has always been an inspiration. Whatever I end up doing next you'll be sure to get regular updates in your fb feed. One of the great things about the project has been 'meeting' the likes of you and Mimo and Nadine S. Who knows, our paths may even cross for real at some stage...

Oh, and you're welcome :-)
November 25th, 2012
@jantan @grizzlysghost thank you! it is amazing how much great phone photography is out there. I'm regularly blown away by what I see on Instagram for instance. In the end it's just a matter of accepting the limitations of the camera and working with what you have I guess :)
November 25th, 2012
@djepie In some ways it is certainly easier. Certainly I felt a bit more willing to lower my standards sometimes (it's just a phone photo after all!) but at the same time it can get really hard to be creative. At least with an SLR you can always pop on the macro lens and go chasing bugs or something... ;)

Thank you, by the way :-) I'm already enjoying the 365 pressure having lifted...
November 25th, 2012
@mastermek Love your work, and always found your comments humorous and insightful. I very much enjoyed meeting you here :) Good on you for keeping it up!

You know what this thread needs? A few more pictures ;)

This one only just missed out, but was too similar to no.7

November 25th, 2012
@northy thank you! I like that one too. It's one of those shots where the hipstamatic processing just created something out of nothing, mood-wise. Maybe that's why it wasn't quite up there for me. I'm happiest when I manage to capture what it really feels like to be there
November 25th, 2012
@newbie thank you :-) If you're serious about that, keep an eye out here http://500px.com/dietertracey. Most of my better stuff is on Redbubble but I hope to use 500px a bit more in the future as I really like the interface and the big photos!
November 25th, 2012
@svt ah, we will see! but thank you very much for the generous compliment :-)
November 25th, 2012
@calm ditto ;-) awww... that's very sweet, thank you. She is still a cutie, just a bit more of a handful these days. If I do make it back for year 2 you will see much more of her no doubt
November 25th, 2012
@cvanauker @godders thank you very much :) You know it's funny, I kept expecting it to get easier towards the end, but it ended up feeling like a bit of a burden. Looking forward to taking pictures just for fun again!
November 25th, 2012
@peadar @espyetta thank you :-) I also found some of my favourite photographers here just as they were finishing their projects. Which was a pity, but certainly helped give me inspiration to see it through.
November 25th, 2012
@bobfoto thanks mate :) Kinda crazy we haven't crossed paths yet, no? I have thought a bit about putting some on display somewhere. Do you have any experience with the galleries?

Anyway, here's a couple of other NQ faves:

November 25th, 2012
@agima Big compliment, thanks Brendan!
November 25th, 2012
@jsw0109 I wonder if that was when Luca was born? hmmm....
November 25th, 2012
@gareauk1 @sailingmusic thank you both. And phew! :-)
November 25th, 2012
@mastermek ps It wasn't coincidence that half my top 10 came from my first 50 days (although I've switched one out since) ;)
November 25th, 2012
@dieter not sure, but now I have a lot to catch up to do
November 26th, 2012
Congratulations and well done. I've followed you for a lot of your project but for at least the past couple of months have struggled to post photos, let alone comment. But I have enjoyed your work so I'll take this opportunity to say thank you for sharing your world with us by way of a phone camera! You've done an amazing job!
November 26th, 2012
@dieter - Gorgeous shots there! I know with Umbrella you need to be a member to get exhibition space. Worth a shot. Perc Tucker has around a 2 year waiting list, plenty of time to get ready???
November 26th, 2012
Chapeau Dieter!!
December 16th, 2012
@dieter You are an amazing photographer and I thoroughly enjoy your photos! Congrats on finishing. I love this project and like you kinda started slagging towards the end--I guess life happens! I really do think that it is a great project and I hope to continue it through 2013...now....I have some catching up to do!!!!!
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