Newbie Sign-in and Oldies Sign-in too!

January 3rd, 2013
Here's an idea. Instead of a 100 or more individual topics from new people looking to jump into the mix and get a great start, how about this... if you are a Newbie...Sign in here.

If you are an Oldie - Sign in too!

Please include a brief blurb on why you are doing this project and any photography goals you have. And ONE photo that represents your work.

My name is Sheila. Joined 2 Jan 2012

Met last year's goals for learning new things about my camera and settings.

This year my focus will be on lighting (oh, yeah, finally getting a studio light and working space in the new house) and Photoshop.

One of the great new things I learned how to do, thanks to the crew here at 365 was panning. So that is my ONE photo!


Cally suggested adding this note.

To put a photo in the feed you go to the page where your photo (or someone else's photo) appears.

Under the Share you will see a box with code in it and beside that box a note that says "(copy and paste code)". You do exactly that.

Click on the box; right click and select copy; and click in your message box on the thread, right click select paste..

It will show as code. When you hit the post button it will magically turn into the photo you copied and pasted.

January 3rd, 2013

I'm Kathrin and I just finished my first year. I love macro photography :) (nature, stilllife and "little-people")
January 3rd, 2013
@tandem02 Wait, where did the collage go? This is a fantastic macro!! Love it!!
January 3rd, 2013
@swguevin Haha... read again the "ONE PHOTO" ;-) here it is :)
January 3rd, 2013
Hi I'm Debbie I love photography !! I have just finished my first year and, tough though it was at times, have now decided to do a 2nd year because the feeling of finishing a whole year, without fillers, was incredible.

One of the great things I have learnt is getting down with the puddles !!
January 3rd, 2013

I'm Ragnhild, and I joined about a year ago :) I love experimenting with different types of photogrpahy, and have fallen in love with many of them :) Thanks to 365 I've learnt HDR, so that's my shot ;)
January 3rd, 2013
@stoat this is a fanstatic photo Debbie and of Bath what beautiful reflections from the puddles fav.
January 3rd, 2013
Hi, I'm Luka, joined a year ago but quit half way through, so this time I want to finish my project!
I love different types of photography and I love experimenting, but most of all I like street photography
January 3rd, 2013

I'm Kit - I'm a 22-year-old professional musician, based in Norwich, UK. I'm starting my fourth year of the 365-Project this January, and hoping still to enjoy taking pictures as much as ever!

Here's something I took last year:

January 3rd, 2013
@mizhayz.. I'm a newbie.. just me and my iphone and away we go to see what lays beyond..
what do I want to learn? everything from A to Z :-)
January 3rd, 2013
Hi, I'm new here! I'm doing this project because I was looking through my friend's 365 album and was inspired by it. Even though her photos didn't always have amazing shots every day, it illustrated what her life was like over the year and I wanted to have that same effect: a photo diary. I think a combination of both interesting and boring pictures can accurately depict life, so my goal is to be strict on taking a photo every day, no matter how boring.

Here is my first photo:

January 3rd, 2013
I'm kirpppu, Helsinki-based newbie. Haven't been photographing too much and joined 365 to get more flow and point . On top of that, during these few weeks 365 also has given a great picture of life around the world. I tend to like b&w, but should try to experiment with colours too.

January 3rd, 2013
@swguevin -Great idea!

My name is Tamara, I started my 365 journey in October of 2012, this is my second year, although not consecutively. I am a wife, mother, artist, writer, and portrait photographer trying to grow my business and learn. I hope to work on defining my style through my project this year, learn as much as possible, be inspired, and hopefully inspire others.
January 3rd, 2013
I have less than a month to go. I started the 365 project to burnish up my very rusty photography skills and I think that has worked. I've also discovered a love of food photography:-

January 3rd, 2013
Hi, Paul here. I started last March and love this community. There are such warm people here and no nasties (well, very rarely). I love landscapes and seascapes but would love to digress to portraits but not yet brave enough !!

January 3rd, 2013
Hi! My Name iis Farrah. I joined in June 2012.

I am a wife and a mother of 2. I love coffee, food &cats.

So far the 365 has challenged me to see the beauty in photographing everyday things.
January 3rd, 2013
Hi! I'm soup, and I want to generally improve both my photography and editing. This is my contribution today:

January 3rd, 2013

My goals for this project are to see it through despite the chaos of everyday life, to improve the quality of my images, to play with editing - which I don't do at all, it's all straight from the camera currently, to document the magic in the mundane of my life and to train the 3 year old not to pose/stinkeye when she sees a camera.
January 3rd, 2013
I'm back as well after a few days away. I tried a lot of different stuff in 2012 but seascapes were my best and favourite shots. I aim to perfect them this year. My last photo from Year 1 is a good example of my work:

January 3rd, 2013
Hi, my name is Cally and this is my third year on this site (although last year I was really rubbish about taking photos and uploading!)

I'm trying to decide what aspects of photography I'm wishing to improve on. I'm currently thinking everything, as I think I'm a bit dispirited by my photos at the moment.

Here is my one photo - currently my top rated photo, and one of only two of my photos to get onto the popular page.

Just as an aside, might be worth putting instructions on how to post photos into the discussion up in your blurb, Sheila, before getting overwhelmed with that question! @swguevin
January 3rd, 2013
Hi, Im Julie. Just coming to the end of year 2 and still loving this site. Ive loads still to learn but occasionally get a shot I really like now. Id love to have a few new followers and Im happy to comment on your shots too. This is one of my favourites from the summer:
January 3rd, 2013
I'm Emma, I completed 365 in 2011 and intended to continue in 2012 but life had other plans and my postings became less and less regular. I'm back now and hope to complete my project this year too.

January 3rd, 2013
I'm Sheri, I started last year and have enjoyed being inspired by the wonderful people I've met. I love macro photography and hope to improve my skills this year. Welcome to 365!!
January 3rd, 2013
I am with Emma, in that I did 365 in 2011 and intended to continue in 2012 but "life got in the way." I did take almost daily shots in 2012 but the uploading and keeping up here got the best of me so I just deleted 2012 and started fresh. Here is one of my faves from my 2011 project and also one that got me best in show
January 3rd, 2013
Hi! I'm Niki and I'm new in this project. I want to improve my photography skills and I think here is the perfect place
January 3rd, 2013
Hi, I'm Paula and started on 1 Jan 2012. I love to take pictures of ordinary people in South Africa. Maybe one day I wil publish my pictures :) I just love the 365 comunity ... such great people!

January 3rd, 2013
My name is Amanda and I'm new to here and photography. I just received a DSLR camera for Christmas-- so my goal for this year is to learn all of the settings and to beable to shoot manually. The very first photo I took with my new camera is this one they are my bulldog's paws :) I look forward to taking away everything I can from this project.

January 3rd, 2013
I have been here for a couple years now, started with a point and shoot and then went full manual on goal this year is to find more time to interact on people's projects but full time job, family, keeps me running ragged :)
January 3rd, 2013
Hi! I'm Lili. I started at the of the 2012. I'm reading and studying all kind of photography tutorials to improve my theoretical knowledge. But as you know in practice everything is much more difficult =)
January 3rd, 2013
Hi, I'm Charlie. I started my 365 project on New Year's Day 2013, and I'm hoping to finish it by year-end. I'm new with photography, so I'm also in the process of learning the ins and outs of my camera. I like taking pictures of still life, nature, and people.

My goals here are to:
1.) create a visual journal of my life
2.) share how my side of the world looks like
3.) receive input about my work
4.) appreciate pictures from around the world
5.) continuously learn techniques from other people

See you around!

January 3rd, 2013
I'm Kass - starting my third year at 365.

First year - macro/insects/water shots. Canon 100mm barely left my camera.

Second year - branched out into landscape but didn't complete project due to crazy busy life events.

Third year?! This year will be a mixed bag of everything - more city/street scenes, portraits and anything else I haven't captured. That's if i find the time. That's always the problem - never enough hours!

Welcome to all the new members! Enjoy! :)

January 3rd, 2013
Hi! I'm Mandy! I participated here back in 2010 and 2011, though I didn't make it to the end either time. I started back up again a little over a month ago and really wish to finish this time and then keep going. I remember loving the community, photos, interactions, and challenges, so it was like returning home even though most of the faces were different.

I got a DSLR last year and am loving it. I want to try new things and just enjoy creativity through this medium. I also want to develop my eye for shots - see shots in everyday, ordinary things around me.

I tend to favor romantic type shots, so here's one of mine!
January 3rd, 2013
Hi All,
I'm am new to 365 and it seems like quite a challenge. I need the discipline so I'' give it a try.

I started shooting about a year ago, after a 35 year break from photography. Digital is a whole new world and I am still learning.

January 3rd, 2013
Sheila it was like this last year also and so much post your fav things got so lost with all the introductions and questions. this year I am taking a mental valium and waiting the please follow me period out more patiently. But this was a great idea so people can check out what they like.
January 3rd, 2013
Hi I'm Alison, I started in March last year so not long to go for me to complete. I joined 365 along with a few friends from a FB group, there are 3 of us still at it :-) ... our aim to improve our skills and take better photos... I have learnt so much already [including how to use my camera a little bit :D] but have so much more to learn that at the moment I plan on staying on for a 2nd year....

This is a recent shot from my Christmas away in Cornwall

January 3rd, 2013

Hi, I just found out about this group a few days ago from a friend and loved the whole idea of it that decided to join too. I have always loved taking photos, for fun, and in the last couple of years even more so. I am thrilled to be joining in.
January 3rd, 2013
I joined because I failed my last attempt and am determined to complete the project. I really want to improve, particularly in the post-processing department! I love coming on here for the community and inspiration

Today's picture!
January 3rd, 2013
i'm kylie
just finished year 2
I have set up a photography page on Facebook!/pages/Kylie-Martin-Photography/210224852346878

My Popular Page Photo's are all located here:

I now have a Pinterest Account and also a flickr account

I also now have my own web site
January 3rd, 2013
Heeeeyy! I'm Amy, I'm just starting my 2nd year :D

I love photographing animals, nature, and due to a hectic work schedule trying to make everyday objects interesting!
January 3rd, 2013
@phillyphotos I was having difficulty finding the usual topics, and wanted to just put them all in one pile. Then realized, maybe I could. Hope this works as I hate not seeing the other threads for ideas; tips; contests etc. And I'm enjoying seeing this mix of photos, so hope a lot more people jump in!!
January 3rd, 2013
Hi I'm Helen - I'm starting my 2nd year. I like to look for detail in subjects from macros, architecture and everyday objects. I don't think I have a particular style but I'm greatly influenced from day to day by what I see here on 365. I like monochrome and experimenting with processing. This year I want to take my skills up a level and learn to take better landscapes.

January 3rd, 2013
Hi, I'm Lyn and I am 15 shots away from finishing my first year. I joined to establish the discipline of having my camera in my hands more regularly and will most likely participate again on some level because there is still so very much that I have to learn. One of my all-time favorites from the past year is "the last coneflower":

January 3rd, 2013
Hi I'm Lee and I am a 365aholic :) now into my 3rd year and loving every minute of it. I like to mix normal photography and photo art in my project so here is a photo that sums up my work
January 3rd, 2013
Andreas here, I'm in my tenth month of the project. My goal for the project was to take up photography again, a slightly neglected hobby. It's insane how much I've learned the last months.

January 3rd, 2013
Hi, I'm Bulldog and it has been said that I am slightly mad.
This is not true, it's just that I enjoy life and taking photos - take a look...

I started 365 on the 1st Jan 2012 and have posted at least one one photo each day since then.

My Popular Page shots:
January 3rd, 2013
Hi All! 2013 marks my second 365 Project endeavor. I completed a project in 2011 and learned so much, thanks to YOU! I adore landscapes, silhouettes, rusty stuff and HDR. I'm sure there will be other subjects thrown into the mix, like my dog and three cats, etc., as added bonuses!

Have a wonderful year, everyone. I look forward to seeing the world through your lenses.

January 3rd, 2013
Hi All, I'm Rebecca,
I started 365 a couple of years ago, but then life took over and I failed :( So I am trying again, new year, new motivation!
I enjoy taking photos of my two children and pretty things. I take photos because I have an awful memory :( so need the reminders, my camera goes most places with me :)

This is my friends 12 day old baby who i photographed today. Newborns, just the most beautiful thing to photograph....
January 3rd, 2013
Hi - I am Amanda.
Started in 2010, with my new-to-me camera and stopped for a while after my husband was suddenly killed in an accident .... but took it up again later that year and it has proven to be such great therapy (not to mention a great learning curve) that I am here again for year 4.

Here's to 2013!

January 3rd, 2013
Hi All,

I'm Michelle. I've been a 365 for a few years now. I have one official, completed year (Sep-Aug 2011) under my belt and a bunch of random photos since. I'll be renewing my project now that I'm expecting my first child and I've timed my start with the beginning of a calendar year this time.

This will be my focus...along with honing some techniques. I also hope to become more familiar with my camera's manual setting and get more comfy with my zoom lens and flash.

January 3rd, 2013
Into my 3rd year of a selfie 365 project, expect things like this:
January 3rd, 2013
Hi everyone, I'm Muriel and I started in september 2012, almost got my first 25% (yeah!). I have always loved photography and when I accidently stumbled upon this site I got instantly enthousiastic. Love the challenge of getting a photo every day, love watching all those beautiful photos but most of all all the new things I see and learn.
My favorite subjects are horses and cats, but enjoy everything in nature. Love processing and playing with pictures. Still learning to manage street stuff, architectural things and people.
One of my horse-shots, including a live person
January 3rd, 2013
I'm Julia. I just finished Year One of my project and am embarking on Year Two... hoping to continue to record the beauty around me each day and to sharpen up some of my skills this year. Here's my shot for today:

January 3rd, 2013
I'm Jill. I'm a sort of newbie.
I did the 365 3 years ago now, I think?
I did a 52 last year but felt it wasn't really all that challenging. So, I'm back to 365! I'm sort of regretting it already, lol. I hope I can make it!

January 3rd, 2013
Hey all! I'm Melissa, and just starting year two. I originally started this with two goals. The first was to learn to take better product photos for my Etsy shop. The second was to chronicle my day-to-day activities, so my daughter at college could feel connected to home. Along the way, I have discovered a love for photography for its own sake, and am having too much fun to quit.

This was my most popular photo last year. It is the annular eclipse, seen through the smoke of the Arizona wild fires.

January 3rd, 2013
Hi All.

I finished my 1st year on New Years Eve 2012. This year I intend to concentrate on different genres of photography to try to find my "style". Last year I took photos of anything I saw that day as well as several month long challenges so this year (for a few months), apart from a couple of weekly challenges, I will do a month of a particular genre I am interested in.
January 3rd, 2013
Hi, I am new to the project, I love photography and especially the post processing. I photograph EVERYTHING. I hope to be able to complete this, I am going to try my best.
I don't know how to add a photo, but here is my page
January 3rd, 2013
Hello all, and welcome newbies!

I'm Mary. I live in Oregon, USA. I started the project on 1 Jan, 2012 but did not get a shot for every day. I ended at 90 %.

The 365 community is wonderful, I've made some great friends here. This year I want to figure out if I can only figure out what I did with my tripod!

I'm going to try this year for a shot every day. I like to just take pics of whatever suits my fancy, so it's hard to pick just one photo that represents!LOL I'm going with this one, because of my love for color and shape, and trying to find new ways to look at things:
January 3rd, 2013
Welcome, newbies and hello to all! I'm Robyn - a 38 year old mother of three young boys. I live in Missouri, make a living as an attorney, and enjoy photography in my free time (wait, do I have free time?). I just finished year one today and I'm too addicted to leave the site cold turkey, so I'm hanging around for year two. I'm a portrait kind of gal for the most part. I love to capture kids in candid moments and make the most of shallow depth of field pretty much anytime I shoot.

January 3rd, 2013
Hi to all, I'm Sarah I'm close to finishing my first year and plan to continue into a second year. I progressed from an iPhone to a point and shoot then onto a bridge camera, my shots are not perfect but I love the challenge, I love sunsets and black & white shots. Xxx
January 3rd, 2013
@lyno This is my favorite photo of yours! The colors are just to die for!!!
January 3rd, 2013
Hello both new and old.
I'm Joanna and I've just finished my first year, but there's no way I can stop now! I've tried lots of different things this year and I wouldn't say I have developed a style just yet. I've come from shooting on auto only at the beginning to very very rarely getting out of fully manual now. There's so much excellent knowledge, inspiration and generosity on this site, it's become an integral part of my life. Here is one of my favourites from the year:
January 4th, 2013
Hi all!
I am on yr 3 here. I have enjoyed this site so much!
This year lighting and composition. Also street shots is what I am working on improving. I am doing the project to boost my self esteem, learn and to improve my areas of weakness. I like challenging myself. I do not have one style at all, I bounce all around. If I see something I want to try, I do.
I also love learning and getting inspired by others. Photography runs in my blood and I can barely put my camera down to eat. haha. Love meeting you all and getting to know you. =)
January 4th, 2013
Jan here. Just finished my first year. I tend to take a lot of rural and animal based photos. Although I do try to mix things up a bit and take a variety of subjects, the shots of my donkeys always seem to be the most popular with people.

This year I am hoping to improve my editing skills.

January 4th, 2013
Hi, I'm Jenn and I'll be finishing my year 2 in February. I'm just east of Toronto, Canada, I have 2 teenagers, a geriatric dog, a really fat cat and a puppy that isn't really a puppy anymore.
I found this site through a link on and the rest is history! (if you're trying to learn your camera...that's an amazing site)

I don't know how many dinners I've burnt because of this website. There should be a warning label somewhere.... caution, addictive.

January 4th, 2013
Hi all! Welcome newbies!
I am on yr 3 and this year I am taking a whole new approach. I want to only focus on impressing myself...and being inspired. And of course learning. I love to try something that I see or learning from someone. Its so much to know I can challenge myself daily.
I would like to sharpen my ability to compose a photo & my lighting. Two things I need to first understand right wrong what works what does not etc. I look forward too it!

January 4th, 2013
Hello 365 Newbies! I sincerely hope you enjoy this project as much as I have!! I'm a momma to 4 kiddos, living in Missouri, and have discovered a deep love for my camera over this past year. Doing this project has made my entire family more aware of the beauty in things all around us. My kids are constantly showing me things I need to take a picture of...simple things like the that! Aside from photographing my kids, I really love using natural sunlight in my photos, and I have an affinity for weeds. :)

January 4th, 2013

I started this project 365 last April.When a freind told me I should give it a try.I was already nosing around on my computer looking for pictures of other peoples work and wondering how they did it, I have no training in how to work my camera or on how to run my computer.But 365 has been a big help.I don't have many followers and i didn't think it bothered me.Entil I took a photo of this owl and got little responds.Sents then I have been trying to get more followers,So far I gain a few and thanks for anybody that takes a look at what I have done,Been having a lot of fun with the themes & competitions.My goal is to get better and sents the owl photo I comment on others photos more often. Even if it's only to say nice.Comments mean alot to me they probably mean alot to some one else too.
January 4th, 2013
Hi, I'm Laura, and I'm a newbie! I'm trying a picture a day this year to learn what my style of photography is. I recently look some classes on working with a DSLR and have the hang of taking pictures of pretty stationary things (like my sleeping dog, pictured below) I would like to take this year to move more into photographing people and movement around me. Here's to nothing!

January 4th, 2013
Hallo Newbies...

I'm northy and i've been here since january 2012... i have learned so much over the past year and have met many wonderful people from all over the globe... altho' i tend to be somewhat eclectic in the types of subjects i shoot, my preference tends towards urban and street photography.... here's one from a couple weeks back...

January 4th, 2013
i am richard, an oldie, and tonight i feel that way. nearing the end of my third year and i always enjoy the energy the new people bring. i had the most fun with this my first year, but i am hooked to it now. two cats at home and one at work so they show up a lot. other than that it is just whatever catches my eye. this was my most popular from last year, but not sure if it is my favorite. have a good year everyone.
January 4th, 2013
I am a newbie. I am so excited to be here. I am sure I will learn a lot from all of you. I am a pediatrician but made a decision to take a different Journey so retired early and have taken to doing things I had no time to before. I took some digital photo classes with my son and I fell in love. I have put aside other loves like quilting, knitting and cooking to work on my photo skills. this project will keep me focused (I hope). would love to have feedback from the experienced 365'ers.
January 4th, 2013
Hi, I'm Michelle and I just started this project 1/1/13. I am very fortunate to be able to shoot in Africa at least once a year where its hard to take a bad photo. So, I want to see if I have any skill and can get photos that I'm happy with right here at home.

Here's a photo from October. Lets see if photos shot here in Maryland can measure up!

January 4th, 2013
Hi, I'm Jenn, AKA seahorsejenn. I joined on Christmas Eve, and am excited about the possibilities! My main goal is to get to know my camera and its basic functions. I feel like I just 'get lucky' with my shots now, and want to see what i can really do. I just bought my very first DSLR (or SLR of any kind, really), and am a little overwhelmed with it. I bought the camera I did (Pentax K-r) because I can share lenses with my husband, and it lowers our layout a little bit. Trying to get him to come over here and join the challeng, too. Anyway, here's my first shot of the year. It's my favorite right now because I'm completely obsessed with Nutcracker!

January 4th, 2013
Hi I'm Frances, I'm well into my first year. I originally purchased a DSLR camera because my point and shoot's lagtime was too slow to capture my then 2 yr old grandson. So I thought I'd take the free classes I got with the purchase of my camera. Then I found out about the 365 project and decided this would be a good way for me to use my camera and learn more about it. I'm not very original in my shots but I do get a lot of ideas from everyone here. I would say my best shots have been macro. I'd really like to do better at candid people shots. I'm still trying to get good at taking pictures of my grandson ( now it's grandsons.) We now have Griffin that will be 3 in April and Easton was born Nov 1, 2012. You'd think I'd get this figured out. But I'm still struggling to get good shots of the boys. I have really enjoyed my first year here. I'm afraid if I stop after year 1 my camera may sit in the case too long before I touch it again. So year 2 may be coming.

January 4th, 2013
Hi, I'm Andra and I'm a newbie as of 3 days ago. :) I've had my trusty Nikon D90 for 2 years now, and have tried to learn how to use it when I can manage to grab a spare moment during the day (which is hard with two kids!).

This year I'd just like to develop my skills in a general sense, in everything from depth of field (particularily on moving subjects) to dim lighting to processing ... I've come a long way since buying my camera, but know I'm just scratching the surface on what there is to learn!

My photos this year will be a mish-mash of DSLR and plain 'ol Blackberry snaps, depending on the day and the moment. When its taken with my Nikon it'll probably be to work on a specific technique, but when it's taken with my phone it'll just be because it was spur-of-the-moment and I had nothing better at hand (which I often don't. Or I'm too lazy:) )

Snapped this pic today after lunch with my littles, and while I'm not happy with the colour when I view it on something other than my monitor (such as an ipad), I'm still proud of the overall "feel" it has.

January 4th, 2013
I'm new to this and here's my first photo from 1st Jan
well it would be if I had any idea how to add any body help please :)
January 4th, 2013
@ingrid2101 The instructions are under the top photo of the police car
January 4th, 2013
Hi there. My name is Brandie. Not a newbie, but an oldie returning. I've already completed one year, and half of another. I tend to have lots of candids of my daughter, and random shiney things that catch my attention. I also have a love of color, as well as black and white portraits. You might also see some of my scrapbook work this year as well. It's hard to pick just one fave, but this has to be one of my fave pictures I've taken this year.

I was torn between this, and the one I took of my daughter this week for day 2. =)
January 4th, 2013
My first photo of 365 - hooked already
January 4th, 2013
Thank you for your help - much appreciated :)
January 4th, 2013
Well I am a newbie. I wanted to do a photography project with my sister, she lives in Florida and I live in Utah. This is such a great way to learn and have fun. I have been taking pictures for about 3 years and I am just now am learning a whole new side to photography. I do have a plan with weekly themes and just can't wait for the creative juices to start flowing.

January 4th, 2013
@mishellwinter I am so excited too sis. I hope this grows into something we can do together when we are back in the same state. love the pic. love you!
January 4th, 2013

I took this at 10:30 PM turned off my flash and played with other sources of light. I ended up using a medium size flashlight. I would really like some input on how to get the right light for night time or no sun shot.
January 4th, 2013
Hello! I'm Zach, and I'm a newbie here... sort of. In 2010 I started this project, but quickly after I went away to college, got much too busy and ended up stopping. BUT! I just got a Nikon D3100 for Christmas because I am studying abroad in Lima, Peru starting in March, and wanted to have a nice camera to take pictures! I remembered how much I had improved in my short time with the 365 project, and I figured this would be the PERFECT way to motivate me even more into learning about my camera and improving my eye for some awesome shots in South America!

I chose this picture because it is my first attempt at Water Drop Photography, and it is a good representation of something I want to improve on!

January 4th, 2013
Hello - I am Jan. I am a Brit who has lived in the US many years. I have always liked taking photos but in the last couple of years I have LOVED it and now want to absorb all I can. I have a basic dSLR to learn with and want to start adding some lenses. My hubby and I moved from the city to the country several years ago, so we are away from traffic and can go to Mt Rainier as often as possible. I love to take photos of nature, flowers, creatures, my dogs, and things that amuse me.
I also love to read, garden, make quilts - oh - and I work full time.
Looking forward to meeting others, enjoying your beautiful photos and learning a lot.

It's hard to pick one favorite photo from Mt Rainier - but the fog in the Nisqually Glacier is one of them.
Jan K
January 4th, 2013
Hi there. I'm Sue and I'm a newbie to photography and to the 365 project. I'm trying to learn more about photography and find my style, so over the next year I hope to find my eye!

I live in Portland, OR and am a mom to a teenager who is also testing the waters with her first camera. We're doing the project together, so wish us luck!
January 4th, 2013
I'm a newbie, just uploaded my first 2 shots today (I cheated and did 2 from today because I couldn't decide). I am definitely a novice and just looking to improve over all but I would say lighting is the biggest challenge for me at the moment. Any and all constructive criticism is welcome!

Here's one of my first shots for this project, from a walk my daughter and I took this afternoon.

January 4th, 2013
Hi my name is Jane and I started this project in August 2011 and I am still in my first year.... I have had to have a few absences as life and stuff got in the way, however I am still plodding on and thoroughly enjoying my project and the wonderful 365 community. I have learnt a lot but still have a whole lot more to learn, but with the help of 365 and some incredible photographers on here I continue to acquire more and more knowledge.
My photographs tend to be mainly rural and I have discovered that I really enjoy photographing animals.....
This photograph is of Merlin a friend and neighbours dog whom I look after from time to time and it made the popular page which I was very proud of.....
January 4th, 2013
Hi, I'm Cass and I'm a 365 addict.... ooh hang on, that's not what this thread is about haha...

I'm an oldie... started in November, 2011. I started with my camera phone for the first month and then got my DSLR. I did a lot of macros but have since morphed into other things lol. Not sure if I have an actual "style" or not... I did a photo a day for my first year but this second year I'm being a lot more relaxed and trying new and different things.

So far in my journey here I've learnt to go from auto on my camera to manual settings and learnt a lot about light.

One of my older shots...

January 4th, 2013
Hi all, I'm Heather. I've been a 365 project member since March 2011 and I am a little bit obsessed with this site! I'm pretty strict with myself about taking and posting a photo every day, and would say that 99% of my pics satisfy this 'rule'.

My project is about documenting my daily life, giving me a focus/purpose on days when I don't feel like getting out of bed, and opening my eyes to the world around me. I'm coming up to two full years now and I can't see myself stopping anytime soon!

Here's my shot from yesterday:

January 4th, 2013
Hi - I am Nicole, an oldie nearing the end of my second year. I love the 365 project and the community. The photos that are posted are simply amazing and there are so many impressive photographers who participate in this project, you can't help but be inspired. I tend to photograph nature and food and love my macro lens and b&w. I have recently purchased a portrait lens and am hoping to take more portraits this year. If you are new to the project I hope you have a fun time learning more about your camera and developing your skills and I look forward to seeing your photos. This isa photo of my eldest daughter taken last week.

January 4th, 2013
@swguevin - great idea :)
January 4th, 2013
@swguevin Hi Shiela, I remember that photo of yours from way back when! It went on my favs as soon as I saw it :)

My name is Teresa, and I first joined on May 1, 2010.

My project is my little habit :) It forces me to get the camera out, even on days when I feel my worst.

And wow, one photo to represent my 2 and a half years on here... probably this one:

It's down at Jindabyne, New South Wales, Australia, a town near the snow - it's a magical place I love to visit :)
January 4th, 2013
This is my actual 3rd year despite having only done 40% of any year LOL.
Been a bit slack, especially since I discovered Instagram on my phone.

So i figured today if I can take over 500 pics with IG in 8months I can make 2013 my year to complete my 365 :)

I love landscape photos:

but find my passion for cooking and food photos starting to take over!

but to be honest, I start so many things I never finish so this pic really sums me up unfortunately!
The journey of 1000 steps..
January 4th, 2013
Hi I'm Anne and I have just completed my first year. I signed up on the 1st Jan 2012 in an attempt to force myself to experiment with different styles of photography (before this I was mainly a nature and landscape girl). This has been a really inspirational place to hang out and it has encouraged me to experiment with things I would never have thought about doing before. As a result, my album last year was quite an eclectic mix ... so perhaps this experiment from towards the end sums it up best :

January 4th, 2013
Hi, I'm Jo and have just started my second year. I joined because I thought it would be fun to document a year of my life in photos. I am continuing because I love it. I have learned so much about photography and how I view the world.
This year my aim is to do a photo every day, there are a few holes in my first year!
My kids appear in my photos quite a lot.
January 4th, 2013

My 3rd day in and still going strong...only 362 more to go!
January 4th, 2013
Oh heavens! This is like the old "creeping death" thing when you are on a company sponsored course! "Good afternoon. I'm Paul..."

I've been taking photographs for yonks and I really found my photography getting stale. It got to the point where I didn't pick up the camera for months/ Then someone pointed out this site and I thought "Yeah! Why not?" so here I am! I am looking forward to meeting some great folks here and getting lots of inspiration. This was my second photo and was one that appeared out of nowhere when I was supposed to be shooting something else.

January 4th, 2013
Hi there and welcome to all the new members! I'm Maaikel from Amsterdam The Netherlands. I did my first project between March 2011 and 2012. I made it a picture a day. And it was fun, I learned so much. Last september I started my second project, This time it's all about film. (and all sooc in the main album) Yes Indeed after ten years I went back to analogue, and I have fun with it. Feel free to take a look and follow me if you like what you see.
January 4th, 2013
Hi. I'm Crystal and joined because I like taking pictures. Not a pro at all.

January 4th, 2013
Hi, I'm Emma and I'm new here :) Actually, I started a 365 project in late 2010/early 2011 and ended up giving up after a month or so. This year, I'm determined to keep going no matter what! I'm a freshman in high school, so life is busy but not too busy (no AP courses or college applications yet!)

I don't have a specific theme or anything, but I'm really hoping to learn more and improve my photography and editing skills. Here's my picture from yesterday...

January 4th, 2013
I am not a newbie but not an oldie either...I started in August as a way to document my 50th year. I have been a photographer since I was a kid. I am so thrilled with how far my creativity has come since i joined this sight. this shot made the PP (Popular Page) and I could not be any happier

January 4th, 2013
Hi there, newbies and oldies! I'm Johanna from Turku, Finland, one of the oldies I suppose.

I started in April 2012 and my aim has been to improve my skills in all areas of photography. I do love rock photography but since those opportunities aren't quite that frequent, I mostly photograph stuff that's close by. Nature, random observations, macros, every day things...

Here's a shot that somehow tells a 365 story... I'm not a morning person, but the project had me getting up at dawn and hauling my stuff to the riverside at 5 am. It was glorious!

It's been a fun ride and I expect it will be like that to everyone who participates. Not always easy, but you do learn and laugh.
January 4th, 2013
Hi, I'm Bulldog and I like to look at life with a smile.
Here are some of my Popular Posts and an example of my madness.

I also try and complete the monthly word chalenge, feel free to join in at any time.

January 5th, 2013
Hello to all our new members!

I'm a single mom to a wonderful daughter, now in college. I live in Southern California with my two crazy cats, and my little photography sidekick dog, Simon.

I'm starting on my 2nd year now and can't imagine life without all the great people and interactions on this site.

You will learn a! You'll have your ups and downs, just keep at it and don't despair. We all have those days. You'll expand your photographic horizons, and meet some really great people along the way.

Take the time to look over the many wonderful themes/challenges/competitions. They are a great way for you to push your boundaries and learn new skills.

And above all else, enjoy yourself! It's a great experience, and well worth your efforts! :-)

Welcome to our little community!!

"twilight moon" a Get Pushed Challenge photo:
January 5th, 2013
Wonderful idea, Sheila!

I just finished Year One and it's made a believer out of me. To the Newbies: The magic didn't happen for me until the 7 month so persevere and keep on trudging!

My blurb: I'm married and Mom to 3 grown boys. I joined 365 last year as a means to improve my skills. The Project has made me a bird-lover and hiker to the extreme. I'm excited to see what Year Two will bring:) and I hope I will see many new "Life Birds"!
January 5th, 2013
Hello everyone! I'm a newbie, and very excited to be here. I got my first DSLR last year and haven't stopped taking photos since. I'm hoping to learn more about the technique of photography, since anything beyond aperture and shutter speeds still confuses me!

Here's my 2nd photo for this project - my cat Abby. I was so relieved to finally get this shot, she just wouldn't stay still for the photo :P

January 5th, 2013
Hi! I'm Cricket, and I'm an "oldie"...I started back in March of 2011. The 365 project has been the inspiration and vehicle for a new "career" for me. About half-way through my first year, my friends and family talked me into making my photos available for sale as prints and cards. In addition to selling online through my website, I've started participating in local arts/crafts fairs, and have had a wonderful time.

After a six-month hiatus from 365, I'm back on a limited much for the camaraderie as for the photography. 365 is a wonderful community, and I'm gad to be a part of it!

January 5th, 2013
I'm Michelle and a newb. I am a Marine wife and a mother to a very handsome 8 1/2 month old.

I received my first dslr about 4 months ago and have been trying to learn to use it correctly. I want to work on different lighting techniques and learning more about Lightroom as I got that for Christmas to edit with. I also want to push myself to try things that I normally would not with photography.

Any and all critiques are always welcomed!

My first attempt at a low key self portrait from Day 3 :)

January 5th, 2013
Hi all - i'm returning after completing 365 in 2011 :) I popped in a few times in 2012 but now i'm getting back into it for 2013!

I'm from New Plymouth in New Zealand and living in such a beautiful place means there are always amazing scenery photos - mainly beaches and mountains :)

Here's a little taste of me

January 5th, 2013
I'm Judi from the Pacific Northwest and I'm a newbie to this site and pretty new to photography. I'm looking forward to all the eye candy and to getting feedback on how to improve my photos. I prefer to take nature pics and candid portraits and am learning to use Photshop. So far the photos I've posted are straight from my Nikon Coolpix P510. I really like the telephoto ability. It lets me get closeups of birds without spooking them. Here is my self portrait from last fall.
January 5th, 2013
Im Louie from Canton Ohio... I love creativity so I wanted to challenge myself to be creative every day. I will try to take all challenges and themes in a creative and less cliche way. I shoot with a Nikon D5100 that I saved up for for a long time as a poor college student! Looking for advise and encouragement and help!

January 5th, 2013
I've been here since 2011 but have yet to fully complete a year ha! Hoping third time's a charm! I'm Stephanie :) Hmm.. I've learned a lot about photography these past two years with the help of 365. Since I joined with a point & shoot, I took baby steps and purchased a bridge camera. Then slowly, with amazing support from our community, eased into upgrading onto a dslr.

I think the one thing I want to focus on most this year is post processing. There are many techniques and things I want to learn also like high key and negative space, but mainly I want to learn how to layer in PS (once I can save up to buy it!) to create killer levitation shots :)

January 5th, 2013
Hi! I'm Bankmann!

I've been a member since April 2012, so I'm just at 72% of my first year. I found 365 Project when I was looking for ideas, wanting to get better at something I liked a lot.

365 for me is exploring options and ideas and learning by what I'm doing and what others do. It's a way of expressing myself. I don't take myself too seriously, and it's my intent to have fun. So far I've learned an amazing lot, I feel. I don't have a specific style or subject. I keep exploring and I keep learning. I also have a weird sense of humour...

January 5th, 2013
I’m a newbie and very excited to give this project a go.
My focus will be owls and I aim to create one a day: with fabric, paper, wire, paint, clay... anything I can find! I hope to experiment with my new pinhole camera too, otherwise I'll snap away on my mobile.
I'm looking forward to seeing what others are doing, share ideas, inspire and encourage each other to keep going!
January 5th, 2013
Hi I'm Caroline & have been posting here since Jan 2012. II love 365 for the vast amount I have learned through daily interactions with wonderful, like-minded people from around the world. I often use my iphone for 365 so I can email post from anywhere. Otherwise I use my nikon. My goal for this year is to shoot entirely in manual. I always use manual focus so the goal is to practice with manual shutter speed & aperture settings. I don't have a particular style but love observing light & shadow. Today's pic is probably quite representative of where I'm going. I live in Wellington NZ.
January 5th, 2013
Simply said, taking pictures makes me happy! Now onto my third year with a complete full first year project and a not quite so much second year. Welcome to the new 365ers!
January 5th, 2013
Hi everyone I'm a oldie, i started in July 2011. Photography was and is a passion of mine, but now I study photography at art school and loving it :D
My project its like and album photo to me, about my life...not every photo its perfect, amazing... Its what i see, what i fell and what i want to remember :)
My project its about my life, beautiful memories, about my nail-art and doing my best to become a professional photographer :)
Take care everyone, and have fun ^_^
January 5th, 2013
Hey y'all,
I'm Janna, I joined January 1st 2011, so I completed 200% last year but still can't stop. At the end of the first year I had improved my photography skills a lot and wanted to get even better. Then I was really busy last year and had a hard time finding subjects for my pictures but still pulled through. This year there will be loads of photos of my little daughter but I will try to work on my photography skills again, too. Maybe I can combine both, like in this collage, my first one in high-key:

I really love the interaction in this community and have found many friends. Sadly, every January many people you got to know over the year, leave. But, there are always new ones, too, and I can't wait to meet you :).
January 5th, 2013
Hi, I am an amateur photographer based in Moscow, Russia for the next while. Joined the 365 project on Dec 23, and with the full-time job and dark winter hours that linger when I'm off work I have not really managed to take any decent pictures except for this one here:

I am looking to start taking portraits and selfies in the weeks to come, and would very much welcome any critique that you're willing to share.

Thank you for having me here!

Much love,

January 5th, 2013
I'm Sadie. I'm starting my 2nd year. I'ma full time working mom of 4. I love photos of old abandoned buildings and all those things that catch my eye. This year I'm going to continue my goal of using a different song for everyday and hope to expand my ability to take photos.

January 6th, 2013
Fantastic idea Sheila! Well done for getting this thread started, I just can't keep up with the Latest Topics section recently! ;)

I'm Aleksandra. I started on 1st January 2012, and have finished my first 365 with the photo a day challenge...not one single filler all year! I have now started Year 2! This year is about being more relaxed and continuing to learn more from this wonderfully talented community!

Welcome to all the new people, this place is inspirational, supportive and truly amazing!

Here is my 1 highest rated photo to date and a personal favourite.

January 6th, 2013
Hi ! My name is Philomena, I go under the handle Kilbane. I got inspired to join this project by a friend who also recently joined.
I am utterly amateur, using auto 35MM cameras - but it's a water, freeze and shock proof camera, so am able to get fun fish pictures when snorkeling. As an avid gardener, I love taking photos of nature, and would take an excellent macro lens over a fab zoom lens any day. I’m in the Hudson Valley region of New York in the US, so it’s cold and my flowers are all under a blanket of snow now.
Am hoping by participating in this project, I’ll branch out my photography, learn more cool stuff, and have fun seeing everyone’s fantastic pictures. I’m blown away by the work I’ve seen !
Here’s my pic for today – a nature in waiting image

January 6th, 2013
hi! i'm a newbie and an oldie in a way....i have a project and a half finished over as user dkg ( and now i'm here starting a new project with my newborn (who is currently in my arms, so it's hard to type)
i finished my 2011 project and then started again in 2012, but the pregnancy kicked my butt and i couldn't feel motivated to finish....and then some time in there, i upgraded my d3000 to a with my new fancy camera and a newborn, we'll see what happens.....
so far i haven't had the chance to take some good posed newborn photos, but i hope to soon....i need to get my announcements out ;)
so my goal is just to chronicle my smushy smush baby girl....

January 6th, 2013
Hi Everyone

My name is Mare. I've been taking pictures for many years but it's always been point and shoot. Last year I got my first DSLR and although I get some good shots, I'm no where near where I'd like to be.

Mainly I shoot my kids, sports, animals and outdoors. I'm looking forward to learning more about the settings on my camera and tips for lighting in different situations like gym lighting, no flash, and sports action shots.

Here's my pic for the glitter theme. Still getting the hang of the whole idea of posting a picture every day. Figure if I don't get something up every day I'll fall too far behind and quit. :)

Happy New Year!
January 6th, 2013
Brilliant Sheila..thanks for sharing...

Soooo anyone who wants to support a newbie...please follow me :)

January 6th, 2013
Howdy!! Tiara here, living in Missouri with a Kentucky accent that makes for interesting inlaw jokes towards me. Im completely silly all the time. I believe in lots of laughter and smiles so I make the most out of my project with stupid "selfies". And Im obsessed with my dog so that makes up the other half of my project. I would have been almost done with my project if I didnt take a freaking two month break. Ahh such is life ;)
January 6th, 2013
I'm Junko, a newbie since January 1, 2013. I'm excited about the possibilities with this project, and am especially looking forward to learning within this community. I don't feel like I've developed a style yet, but I know I like photographing nature and a huge range of random things that intrigue me, particularly when I travel. I invite and welcome constructive criticism! I've only had my SLR for a year and a half and my goal is to discipline my photography to be more regularly paced so I can learn through practice and critique. What I know already is that trying to discipline myself to photograph more frequently has changed how I view the world around me -- commonly seen sights suddenly seem intriguing. Viewing the range of photos in this community has definitely been an inspiration and education already!

So, here's one of my four posted photos:

January 6th, 2013

I'm Murray, and I am blown away by the quality of the images in this thread... wow.

I am new, up to day 18 so far. I am here to hopefully improve myself as a photographer, and I use the term loosely in my case.

I want to use better color and composition in my shots, and I want my pictures to tell a story, but it's a long journey.

Here is today's 365 project photo...

I would appreciate any followers as I need critique to improve.

Thanks. :)
January 6th, 2013
Hello fellower 365ers! I'm Kim and I've been here since April 2012. I love this site!! I'm married to my high school sweetheart, a mom of two and about to start building a house so my life is crazy busy. I take pictures of all kinds of things. I'm not really sure what my style is...I like it all! If you follow me, you'll notice I'm not big on individual thank yous. I'm a comment reciprocater instead. I love reading your comments and my way of saying thank you is to look at your stuff and comment back. This is my highest rated photo to date...

January 6th, 2013
Hello 365ers! I was finishing up my 3rd year here when I had to stop and take a step back while focusing on my health. 2012 was a challenging year but I am back in 2013 and ready to finish a 4th year! I like to photograph a little bit of everything but have recently discovered my creative side with Photoshop and have a major love out nature photography. I have a couple of Facebook pages and a website (I guess I would be considered a "pro" since I sell some of my work but I won't be quitting my day job). =) Thank you for your follows and comments! They make my day!

January 6th, 2013
Hello everyone, i have been with 365 since January 2010 , "a long time", in that time I have managed 1092 images & truly enjoyed being a part of this amazing site.
I have mastered so many new ways of taking pictures from following fellow 365ers Made some good friends & hope i have managed to give a little back to people in that time, even if it was only a smile .
If you know me you will notice my dog Oscar features in quite a few of my pictures, in fact one of my Oscar pictures went viral in 2010. found its way into the national press , all unbeknown to me. Google 'just a crazy sneeze' images . you should still find Oscars image as the number one under that title. & it features in my 365 on 7th May 2010.
In fact Oscar has helped me on many occasion to reach the PP page ( i put that down to his good looks not my images The site has grow so much in 4 yrs & has some amazing images uploaded everyday, it just amazes me the talent on show in 365.
I suppose at the moment i am at the crossroads, having uploaded only one image for 2013, I am wondering if I will carry on this year .. My wall has 'at the moment' been hit again. So should I rest & view or snap away for another 365 ...ummm... i wonder , whatever i do, if your just starting your 365 , you are in for a great year you will make new friends & if you complete your 365 you will feel a great deal of achievement . good luck

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