fav fav of another 365er - 28Feb

March 3rd, 2022
Pick one or two.... or three.....of the photos you loved on 365 over the past couple of weeks or so ,
Here is where we give kudos to the photographers that inspire us every single day.And if you will, give a shoutout to a new person here to give them encouragement and exposure. .

To share your top favs, go to your favorites, open the photo , click the share arrow beneath said photo, click once in the embed link box so the words go blue, copy and paste that link in this discussion, below, and dont forget to include the @name of the photographer so they know you loved it.

You may find a new project to follow by looking at someone else's favorites !

Enjoying some of the faffing thats been going on around here with new processing tools, photos become works of art, like this one from Sharon


@nicoleweg combination of beautiful light , choice of depth of field and interesting subject all coming together here
March 3rd, 2022
This stunner by @boxplayer who looked in a puddle!

And this by @amyk which is very reminiscent of the Japanese art of sume-i

March 3rd, 2022
@gaillambert. So fragile and pretty, Caught beautifully

March 4th, 2022
Diana @ludwigsdiana seems to indulge me with a collection of owls and I can't be thankful enough for the pleasure

March 4th, 2022
This amazing building by Ferry @pyrrhula

March 4th, 2022
@30pics4jackiesdiamond thank you so much 😀
March 4th, 2022
This one made me smile from @gilbertwood
March 4th, 2022
Thanks Wendy @wendyfrost I'm so pleased you share my sense of humour :) It was a delight to see this here!
March 5th, 2022
Jackie's helebore @30pics4jackiesdiamond and I like AmyK's hydrangea above! @amyk
March 5th, 2022
@jackies365 thank yu so much
March 5th, 2022
@30pics4jackiesdiamond @jackies365 thank you both for the kind comments on the hi-key hydrangea.
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