Your favourite photo: 5 - 11 March

March 12th, 2011
Hey all! What's your favourite photo over the past week, between 5-11 March?

You can post your favourite photo by copying and pasting the code from the 'Share' box that's in your photo page, together with info on when it was taken. Part of the challenge is only selecting ONE picture, so no cheating!

I've had a better week than some other weeks I've had recently, so it was a little difficult for me, but how can I choose anything other than my little baby cousin?! Taken on 6 March:

March 12th, 2011
Easy one this week.... :-)

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I had a busy week, and not much time for photography - but I liked this one that I snapped on a night out with a friend in Manchester

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
This was taken on the 5th, my daughter's dog peeking at me as I got outta my car getting home from work :)

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I think mine will have to be the one I took yesterday.

@loztsoul That is awesome!
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I don't really have a favorite this week, but some seem to like this one.

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
gotta be Juan..

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
My 91-year-old mother-in-law -- still beautiful.

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
@kimafury thank you kima! glad you like it :)
March 12th, 2011
It's a bit bleak, but I just liked this one:

March 12th, 2011
Easy one for me this week. I instantly fell in love with this picture before I even clicked the button to take it.

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
taken March 9th
March 12th, 2011
Surprised that this worked as well as it did and also surprised at the response. good desktop backround also :D:D

March 12th, 2011
This one was so much fun and I love the message!

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011

This is my favorite because I am so proud of how brave he was having surgery today!
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I've got a week of photos of this little hummingbird family that took up residence in in a tree on my side yard, but I particulary love this one of mama and the babies! If you want to see the series of them, please check both of my albums :)
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
Tough week for photos, but I suppose this would be it.
March 12th, 2011
I'm typically really critical of shots of myself, so I was really pleased with this one!

March 12th, 2011
I like this one a lot- I didn't have my tripod so I had to shoot from a stair railing- but I still managed to get a crisp shot
March 12th, 2011
@jcrowley40 Ooh, I like that! Rain is always my favorite weather.

I really like the title I came up with for this one: "Clover Taking Over"
March 12th, 2011
I liked the unexpected way the blur worked with my spider plant - the brightness and the feel of movement.

March 12th, 2011
I liked how the layers turned out in this one.

March 12th, 2011
My baby girl!
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I have several from this week, but I'll choose this one. These are all the mask we used while producing "Romeo and Juliet" at our school this week.
March 12th, 2011
Bit of a slack week for me with a couple of fillers but I love this one I took on the 6th

March 12th, 2011
lots of flowers this week....but i love this one

March 12th, 2011

yup, this is defiantly my favorite for the week.
March 12th, 2011
I've had a few that I've loved this week, but my favorite is this one
March 12th, 2011
has to be my angry water shot... and even this morning, the rain continues!!! Where is my DRY SEASON?????

March 12th, 2011
It's got to be my farm photo. I love the father/son team working in the fields here. Such a great moment!
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
this one because i love the lighting and her expression....

March 12th, 2011
I spent the last week catching up with my project using fillers, so out of the 2 that I actually shot THIS week,
March 12th, 2011
Not a great week. This one is from my 2nd album.
March 12th, 2011

A bug that decided to pose for me, or it was spooked by my presence.
March 12th, 2011
I've been pretty happy with all my photos this week and there were a couple I would probably pick as being tied for my favorites. I'll go with this one though, since it got the most compliments
March 12th, 2011

I love vintage! These tracks were just what I was looking for that day :0)
March 12th, 2011
I just love the purple in this one:
March 12th, 2011
I had a few that I really liked, but this may be my fave:

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
This one for sure:

Because it was so tiny I had no idea what it was before I looked through the vewifinder. A great surprise!
March 12th, 2011
I liked this one because I captured part of the motion of the birds. I also like this because I stop whenever I see this shot to wonder about what is going on in the birds' minds during this moment in time.

March 12th, 2011
Even though it's a's the favorite of the ones I posted this week so far.

March 12th, 2011
The concert was only so-so....but I liked this picture...
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I like this one, nothing staged, just a shot of the dugout at a local softball game. Love the boots though, so Texas.
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I feel like I had kind of a so-so week... I guess this was my favorite. Taken on the 10th.

March 12th, 2011

March 12th, 2011
From March 5th!
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
This one was a lot of fun for me!
March 12th, 2011
I think todays is my favorite.

March 12th, 2011
I had a decent week and I liked several of my photos this week. This one looks better englarged on black. :)

March 12th, 2011
this one is mine as am way too inlove with KUMA:
March 12th, 2011
So excited to actually capture this :)

March 12th, 2011
This was such a quick set-up and shoot but very happy with the result...

March 12th, 2011
This one from 7th March...

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
This one from March 7 ended up in my "365 Unchosen" album. However, I love it because this photograph speaks to how I look at the world. Its title is "Pond in Early Spring Reflection Flipped." As I looked at the pond, I thought "What if the reflection is reality?" I flipped the sooc photograph to create this photographic view of a different reality.

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
Hard one but I'm going to pick this one I think!

March 12th, 2011

this is awesome!!
March 12th, 2011
This one. It was the set-up shot, which is totally typical. None of the ones with the fancy backdrops I did were anywhere near as dramatic as the one with the kitchen taps and chopping board reflected in it. Sigh.

There was also a shot of my daughter sleeping that I was particularly fond of too, but this one took the prize.

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 5th
March 12th, 2011
March 7th.

March 12th, 2011
Probably today's, though I really love yesterday's, too.

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
this one's gotta be my favorite, a groundhog that was running around in the graveyard
March 12th, 2011
I was working on self portraits all last week. this was my fave. :-D

Eyes Wide Shut..

March 12th, 2011
this was my fave today.
March 12th, 2011
Maybe the 5th
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011

March 8th (:
March 12th, 2011
I had a pretty good week, but this was mine, and the hardest one to capture!
March 12th, 2011
today's was inspired by anger...anger at some of my fellow so-californians who struggle to think of anyone other than themselves.

March 12th, 2011
@vikdaddy Here's my fav for this week
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I liked this as soon as I reviewed the shot on the camera screen.

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I have to choose this one. I really think that everything works on this picture.

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011

the sugar mill :)
March 12th, 2011
Not the best photo but I've been trying to capture a walking Riley for ages.

March 12th, 2011
This week was tough, because I really liked a couple of the shots I got. But I really like how the sun reflected off the water on these little blooms. I was lucky, too, because it started pouring again right after this.

March 12th, 2011
For the 1st time in a long time I went out with a planned idea for a photo ...

"The pen is mightier than the sword" ... not always.

March 12th, 2011
My 'WHO' photo ....
March 12th, 2011
Really happy with this one and surprised it turned out so cool. It's a shot of my used matches bottle, it has a wide neck so allowed me to get a full view of the matches.

March 12th, 2011
This was my fav of the week and popular :) Thanks everyone!

March 12th, 2011
It has to be this one of my daughter.

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
That one was such a happy find
March 12th, 2011
Easy one this week. :-)
March 12th, 2011
From the 6th:

March 12th, 2011
I've had a pretty good week and it's hard to decide!
I really like this shot though:

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011

I spent a really long time (nearly 2 hours) trying to get this shot... When I finally did, I was so excited! :)
March 12th, 2011
not a difficult choice for me

March 12th, 2011
Love the chaos of the candles and the atmosphere! :)
March 12th, 2011
bicing bike

March 12th, 2011
@eleanorrigby I love your favourite for the week! So cool!

I think my favourite is probably this one, taken on 9th March -

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
the last one so far from yesterday
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
This actually has been a hard week for me taking pictures. But I think this one's pretty cute.
March 12th, 2011

I spent all day at the flower show with my daughter and her friend photographing flowers, and at the end of the day, I caught this one, which of course is my fave!
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
This is my favorite from the past week... and quickly becoming one of my all time favorites too...

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
Ack! I'm sorry, I don't normally do this, but I have to post two. I really can't decide.

March 12th, 2011
Taken in an abandoned sugar mill. Such a trippy-cool place! Going back tomorrow!
March 12th, 2011
mine is this one:
March 12th, 2011
I took this on the 8th but mistakenly uploaded it on the 9th as I took more of the same but had used an indoor setting on my camera. I preferred the colours in this one :o)

March 12th, 2011
This is mine from this week:

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I had a good week too. I chose this one because I am going to frame it.

March 12th, 2011
This is mine:

March 12th, 2011
Had to go with this one... my 365th!
March 12th, 2011
place des Vosges, March 8th

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
This was a long week for me. I was pretty happy with this water shot though:

March 12th, 2011

This is my favorite picture to date. This has a significant story behind it, please check it out. Plus, I managed to take it, edit it and post it with a wonderful description all on the right day! Which I am normally horrible at!
March 12th, 2011
This would have to be my fave even though it wasnt that popular with everyone else i still like it :)

March 12th, 2011
I have to chose this one of my cat
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
my favourite is this one of my cat george
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
Love this one for two reasons: 1) I was so proud of my daughter for her accomplishments (cupcake was a reward) and 2) because it was sooo very tasty!

March 12th, 2011

definitley this one - so needed some sunshine!!
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
Would have to be this one. We are still snowed in and I was needing some colour. This was taken in a dimly lit restaurant, with a distracting background, and using a wine glass as my tripod. Image is SOOC with only the colour darkened a tiny bit.
March 12th, 2011
ohh... this week toss up between this one... and march 6th
but i'll go...

March 12th, 2011
This is mine!

March 12th, 2011
I picked this one, because I'm so ready for spring! And here on the farm, spring is synonymous with new baby animals!

March 12th, 2011
This one for sure because it only look me 20 tries to get a decent splash. haha
At least he had fun with my photo assignment!
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
hard this week but my wife adored this one .

March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I loved the glow of the sunset in this one.
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
Tiltshift playing on iPhone
March 12th, 2011
definately this one!
March 12th, 2011
I like how colourful this one is
March 12th, 2011
March 12th, 2011
I think this one
March 12th, 2011

To explain the time info, I bought this camera on eBay and still haven't adjusted the time settings, I assure it was taken the day the tattoo was completed (11th) since it's been wrapped in plastic since.
March 13th, 2011

I like the colours in this one and because its just me, no props no extreme editing and its not very often i get a simple photo that i like
March 13th, 2011
I have to go with my bubbly boy :)

March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
I did not have a very good week, picture-wise, but I think this one, taken on 8 March, is my favourite:
March 13th, 2011
I love the b&w with a spot of color feel, even though it's SOOC.
March 13th, 2011
Taken on my birthday, March 6, for the BLING contest.
March 13th, 2011
My new kitty!
March 13th, 2011
Taken on the 8th, it was fun to do and I enjoyed using my cardboard signs again.

March 13th, 2011

Hold On
70 / 365
Hold On

Hold on to what is good,
Even if it's a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe,
Even if it's a tree that stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do,
Even if it's a long way from here.
Hold on to your life,
Even if it's easier to let go.
Hold on to my hand,
Even if someday I'll be gone away from you.

A Pueblo Indian Prayer
March 13th, 2011
Thankful for an enjoyable vacation to the West Coast (California) and different things to photograph :)

March 13th, 2011
March 7

March 13th, 2011
Because I attempted something new and put myself out there...
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
This one I think.
March 13th, 2011
This one:

March 13th, 2011

March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
I picked this one instead of one of my kitten photos because I can always pick one of those next week. :D

March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
The 11th was a wonderfully happy day for me and my little booger.

March 13th, 2011

I like the shallow depth of field and the eyes.
March 13th, 2011
I have a few nice ones, but I chose this one because it isn't one that people would normally look at and get wowed by. Really in everyday life these are pretty boring items. What do you think, still boring?
March 13th, 2011
It was hard to choose this week, but I'd probably go with this one. Taken at Pike Place Market.
March 13th, 2011
This week has been odd, I have generally been happy with all of my photos this week but they have had less views then normal and most have had very few comments.
This is my favourite of the week because I am weakest at portraiture and I am happy with how this one turned out.
March 13th, 2011

Just like this view :)
March 13th, 2011
here's my share

March 13th, 2011
Here is mine...

March 13th, 2011
Love walking thrue town on a lazy sunday afternoon. It was even better this time because the light was amazing!
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
It was hard to choose between my two daughters!
This is Indiana (almost 16months old)

March 13th, 2011

March 13th, 2011
I'd have to say this one.

March 13th, 2011
my favorite
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
This would be my fav:
March 13th, 2011
My favorite, from March 6th:

March 13th, 2011

A week of experimenting with photoshop, this isn't too processed but it was much better than the original so I was happy with it.
March 13th, 2011
That's gotta be this one...
March 13th, 2011
My little princess wins this week :)

Although, I really like this one, too...

March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
Not uploaded all yet but just know this is gonna be my fav!

March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011

Fred as I like to call him!
March 13th, 2011

Little Musician
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
This week it was really easy, I knew it when I took it, it's my bumblebee! took it on the 8th this week.
March 13th, 2011
My princess
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
@geertje I really like how close you got so u can see the pollen so perfectly and clearly.
March 13th, 2011

this is my most proud picture since i started this project
March 13th, 2011
@paulcleveland - i love the innocence of this - a great memory
March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011
I had a pretty good week, I was quite happy with my results. I wasn't a fan of this picture when I first posted it, as I'd actually taken several other shots that I REALLY wanted to work, so I was disappointed when they didn't. However, having sat back for a week and gone back to it, it's not too bad.

I went out at lunchtime with a friend and fellow 365-er, to take shots of people milling around at lunchtime. None of my people shots were fantastic, but the angles of this lamp post caught my eye at one stage, so I sat on the ground straddling the post, fitted my polaraising filter and fired away.

March 13th, 2011
I loved capturing this bird. He was only there for a split second, but I was there with camera ready. Robins are also a sure sign of spring.

March 13th, 2011

definitely this, I have been taking poor snapshots recently, this has restored my faith a bit
March 13th, 2011

I love spring.
March 13th, 2011
my fav taken on the 7th
March 13th, 2011
This one as it was much more of a challenge than I had imagined!

March 13th, 2011
probably this - a happy surprise.

March 13th, 2011
March 13th, 2011

March 13th, 2011
@tori3012 Has to be this one from Tori who always produces beautiful, elegant shots and can turn her hand from portraits to churches to trees. I love her photographs xx

March 14th, 2011
The first picture I took with my new macro lens.
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
Mine are these

March 14th, 2011
I felt like this was kind of a blah week (month so far) for me, so probably this straitjacket escape.
March 14th, 2011

My daughter is so beautiful, yet I find it really hard to capture it in a photo. This time I was happy with the photo I took.
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
My baby girl doing anything but wanting to pose for me....
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
Spring is in the air, yay!!!
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
Finally had the right flower arrangement to make the technique stand out.
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011

March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
March 14th, 2011
They're so peaceful the way they sleep with their paws stretched out :-)

March 14th, 2011
March 15th, 2011
I changed my mind. I have to go with this one instead -- I hadn't taken it yet (in fact, hadn't even thought of it yet) when the thread started.

March 15th, 2011
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