Your own Top 3

May 29th, 2011
ok just being nosey now really ..... I often find my oppinions of what i personally like different to the majority , so i thought maybe we could all post our 3 favourite shots .....

.......... OF YOUR OWN :D ...... were they as popular as u would have liked ? or do u havea different taste hehe !

would like to see what your own favourite shots are ! :D

May 29th, 2011
None them they're all jerks! No I'll look through the album, hmm and hah for ages then pick ones that don't annoy me much...
May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
My personal top 3 are :

most likely because they feature my kids i want all 3 on canvass lol ! top one is my 3 year old connor , middle is my helpful asistant marcus and bottem is my oldest darren
May 29th, 2011
@flamez I love the eye, I would have that on my wall too!
May 29th, 2011
My recent favorite, got some comments but not nearly as many views as I would have thought!

I absolutely love this flower, and it did ok with views.

This one got quite a few views and comments, I'm happy with it. I love this picture!
May 29th, 2011
@juliehill ~ thankyou :) i like your dandilion one , so pretty !
May 29th, 2011

One from each album :)
May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
Here are my top 3 in no certain order.

This one was pretty popular and made the popular page. I just love how much fun they were having here.

I love this one of my oldest son even though it wasn't widely received.
and finally

I am sooo in love with this shot of my 4 year old son. It made the popular page and the top 20 for the week!
May 29th, 2011
These are my three favorites from this month. The stairs is my favorite and it got the least amount of views. Seems to happen a lot.

May 29th, 2011
@indiannie_jones I love those ones too :)
May 29th, 2011
My favorites so far. Some were more popular then others!

May 29th, 2011
@marinda Grazie, sweetcheeks :)
May 29th, 2011
This one, because I planned it and actually got off my backside to carry out the plan!

And this one, for pretty much the same reason, and also because it's now being used in some promotional material at my place of work :D

Finally, this one, because I've always wanted to take a 'big sky' pic, but never managed before now.

The moon got a lot of comments which was great, especially as 365 was flooded with moon pics that day! The leaves got more than I thought (plus a couple of Favs) which is great as it is specialised so I wasn't really expecting it. The landscape I thought would get more...
May 29th, 2011
@indiannie_jones Prego, lambchoppy :)
May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
These are my three as I look back through my posts.
May 29th, 2011
May 29th, 2011
May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
These three, but it would probably be different in a weeks time

May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
Trying something new:

May 29th, 2011
Own fav right?

May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
Probably my favorite. Love this girl.

This flower is the only one of these on my Top 10, and it's #10.

I had trouble picking a third one, as there are several I could have put here.

May 29th, 2011
Flamez, it's strange that you've put it that way...I've been thinking the same thing. My own favourites haven't attracted half as much attention as some of those photos that I'm not happy with! These are my personal own favourites -

May 29th, 2011
so so difficult all my shots are special to me in some way but I think the ones I am proudest of are

May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
I love the tones and simplicity in this:

I love everything about how this turned out!

And I'm a sucker for a black and white (or brown in this case):

May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
This one because I just like the colors:

This is the only moon picture I've ever taken that's turned out alright, so I'm happy with it:

And this dandelion one:

May 29th, 2011
@flamez Great idea for a post. Was nice going back and reviewing the old pics.
May 29th, 2011
I really can't decide, I love most of my shots and for different reasons. So here are three recent ones :)

This one made the pp but I loved it because I think my daughter is beautiful :)

May 29th, 2011
Only one comment for this one:

None on this!

Several very nice comments here. :)
May 29th, 2011
My three faves in no particular order are:

One got 2 comments, one got 3 comments and the other got 4 comments - so all pretty much equally received by my viewing public lol
May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
my top 3
just love this one and how I did the SC

Just something magical about this one

this one because its how I have been feeling as of late seems views/favs have dropped off a lot here on 365 and that saddens me :(

May 29th, 2011
sometimes I get discouraged or maybe for a better word overwhelmed with photography but these reflect what I want to achieve...compared to my early photo's (sometimes I wish I could just go and delete a lot of them)...I do sincerely want to learn and improve and I would say I do see progress

May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
This is tough. I guess these three:

May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
My favourite portrait so far

My first attempt at sepia which I'm quite proud of

One of my more recent posts which I love but didn't quite get the reaction I thought it would. I must have an odd taste too. :)

May 29th, 2011
@smapp Cool shots - will go through you album now!!
May 29th, 2011

This one got the most attention

May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011

gosh that was hard...i love all my photos, but these were some favs...only one really got attention- the other two have had views since, but were relatively unnoticed. i do see that my favs aren't necessarily the projects:))
May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011

May 29th, 2011
I think all my shots that I really love, people seem to like them a lot too. I have a great group of friends and followers that seem to like my 'style' shots that I take. Even when I have a bad day and my shot is ho hum people always find the good in it. But these three shots are some of my all time faves!

I was really proud of this shot, being a self portrait on a timer with out a remote.

Another one of my all time favs.

This one also, because my husband was on my mind a lot that day and my boys were willing to take a photo for me (doesnt happen often.)

May 29th, 2011
This was one of my first photos on 365 and I'm still amazed by it.

This is one of my all time favs. The framing came off just right.

and these two are my the best of B.

May 29th, 2011

I have learned so much from so many on the 365 but one thing that I have had to teach myself is to love/like my own pictures...and don't worry about the popular page or what others think...this project is for me. Of course, I love getting comments and having followers/friends but if no one comments...I'm okay.
May 29th, 2011
I really liked this one from March 8

This one is great when viewed large

This one because I am challenging myself to try new things.

May 30th, 2011
Fun idea...I am doing a portrait workshop with a local photographer in June and needed to send my best 3 so perfect timing!

May 30th, 2011
My three favorite photos in no particular order.

May 30th, 2011

May 30th, 2011

May 30th, 2011
My 100th photo, a water crown inside a rainbow:

My first attempt at selective coloring...

Light paths from a carousel, while the ferris wheel remains stationary...

May 30th, 2011
This is my favorite shot of my project so far because it had such sentimental meaning to me. It made the popular page. My first time, so that made it even more special...

Another favorite of mine is these bubbles. Mostly because I had nothing that night and ended up really liking this shot...

This one I took yesterday while on a walk with my husband and son. I love the photo, but It is also a great memory...
May 30th, 2011
This shot of my youngest son and a friend, enjoying a warm spring day of fishing is definitely toward the top of my list:

And since Golf = Life to my oldest son, this photo of his golf grip has special meaning for me:

My third favorite is of a male cardinal -- and I included it because it was the first (and only, so far) photo that I've taken that made it to the Popular Page.
May 30th, 2011
Great idea. This was fun! Here are my top three:

None of them got a ton of views and 0 favorites lol so I guess my taste is little different.
May 30th, 2011
I'm most proud of this one:

This one makes me smile the widest:

And this one because I enjoy the movement in it (and also because I'm in love with the new lens I used to capture it!):
May 30th, 2011
I love this one because of what it means to me...

this one kind of came out better than I expected...

and this one that I took while borrowing my bro-in-law's DSLR

May 30th, 2011
like @momoflilly i also don't worry about popular page and getting a lot of comments or gaining a lot of followers. would be nice and all. however, i have made friends with some special people from this community and to me that's as good as making it to the popular page. i love browsing through their albums but i'm also proud when i look at mine.
my top favourite is the one i took for today which is this one:

this is my second favourite:

and the third:

i like all the photos i've seen on this thread. wonderful!
May 30th, 2011
These are my favs. I eventually get some views...but have yet to get on the POP page. Boo. :)

May 30th, 2011
My first one to make it to little boy. I love this shot

this one didn't have too many views. I just really like how it turned out and it was SOOC

this one...which is also pretty much SOOC ....which I am surprised by the little response
May 30th, 2011
Great photos on this thread all!:))
May 30th, 2011

May 30th, 2011

May 30th, 2011
May 30th, 2011
This was my take on Valentines day, it took alot of thinking and i was really really really happy with how people reacted to it.. Definitely my favorite of mine

Im a little addicted to playing with water for photos... :)

I love the fly's eyes in this one..
May 30th, 2011
Wow lots of AMAZING photos, will have to go back through and start following so people i think!!! :)

My top 3... are...

May 30th, 2011
I can narrow down 3 fav selfies and 3 fav landscapes, but cant go beyond that.

So thus ill just do ummmm.......selfies :)

May 30th, 2011
My goals for my 365 Project are to enjoy taking photographs, to become more creative when taking photographs, to become a better photographer, and to complete my 365 Project (closing in on completing the first 1/3 of it). This project is for ME. To my knowledge, I have never been on the pop page. If other people like my photographs or choose to comment on one of my photographs, great. If not, great. =) My Top 3 in no particular order:

My favorite from the May Selfie Challenge:

My best close up with my p&s":

My best portrait:

May 30th, 2011

May 30th, 2011

May 30th, 2011
Here are my own favs

May 30th, 2011
This is one of my favourite florals...

I adore this portrait of my daughter (even though the quality of colour in the photo diminished upon uploading to 365, it looks dull and grey compared to the original bright pic - anyone know why this happens sometimes?)...

And one of my latest (I must admit I was a little bit impressed to actually pull off this selfie)...
May 30th, 2011
I only started doing the 365 project last month...and this month I've done the selfies challenge so I don't have a huge number to choose from. I ended up choosing 3 selfies because I've learned so much doing the selfies challenge. For a start I don't have a tripod so I'm having to work with chairs, toys, books and sticky tape to get my camera in the right place. At the moment I'm using a p&s and am actually using more than just one setting now lol. I'm learning about how to position the camera....and I'm learning that my usual 'spontaneous' style isn't all I can do lol.

Also finding that I really like b & w lol---

One got a fair number of views, the others didn't. Don't know if I'm surprised or not, guess I don't know how to rate my skill tbh.

I've made the pp once and I think that was shock value more than anything else lol- and it wasn't one of these.

May 30th, 2011
According to the stats, these are my top three. I don't necessarily agree, but we cannot always judge our own work accurately, and can learn so much from how other people view it ... and I am learning a lot here!

Old Farm building ... I thought I had over-processed this, but it got a lot of positive response.

This was my first appearance on the popular page and I must admit I did like it and was thrilled to see it there!

This is my most recent success, and the response has been much more generous than I expected, but very acceptable.

Thanks for this valuable and interesting thread!
May 30th, 2011
Wow some amazing photographs here and so much talent!

This one is my #1 favourite. Just everything about it jumps out at me

My #2 would be this one. My gorgeous step-daughter captured at the point where she is more a young woman

#3 favourite - he's just so cute
May 30th, 2011
Found whilst looking for something else - a happy accident:

My friends band in action:

Same friend at work:
May 30th, 2011

May 30th, 2011
Flamez I would like to participate but have no idea how to go about getting 3 pictures in sequence. asked a few 365er but unfortunately they didn't reply.
May 30th, 2011
@bruni I had 2 tabs open ,
1 tab go to the picture you want to post here, in the box with all the info is a small box with code in, copy and go to tab 2, paste in your reply box, go back to tab 1, choose next shot, copy, come back to tab 2, paste code, go back to tab 1, copy, tab 2 paste,

write whatever you want, click post reply :)

(prob more info than you needed there , hope that helped though :) )
May 30th, 2011
these are the three i got the best response to:)
May 30th, 2011
May 30th, 2011
May 30th, 2011
It was hard to choose, but I came up with these three:

May 30th, 2011
What a great idea for us to show off!! There is so much talent here:-)
Here are my top three:

May 30th, 2011
This one is definitely one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken. I was very happy with the views and comments and that it was my first picture that made the Top 20.

This is another of my favorite photos. It did not get the reaction or views that I thought it would. I fell in love with this place when I found it by chance while hunting for barns.

This next one is one of my favorite water drops! Again, it didn't quite get the views I thought it would. I recently entered this drop in an art show and it sold at a silent auction for charity for $75.

May 30th, 2011
Wow, that's hard... Let me think. xD

My number 1 is clear. It's my favourite and my most popular one so far:

Number 2 is harder... I guess this one, because the doll looks so real... In fact I think some people thought it was a real guy sitting there... :P Popular, but not as popular as I had hoped. :)

And I guess number 3 has to be this one. Actually kind of a lucky shot. Before it was black and white it looked like nothing special. But I really loved it after turning it this way. Also got quite a few views for me at that time. :P
May 30th, 2011
It's easier for me to pick a few firsts that I like than 3 over all favorites. Here goes:

My first taste of "fame" - LOL, someone I don't know commented on my photo

My first selfie:

My first water crown, of sorts, plus it's a very good example of how great our life is:

In general I really like my photos, especially Feb, April, and May; they don't get much attention on 365. But that's okay with me. :)
May 30th, 2011
These are my top picks. I couldn't tell you why, they just stand out for me!

May 30th, 2011
@cocorose I dont know why that happens with the color, but I actually like the soft colors in the picture!
May 30th, 2011

May 30th, 2011
February 13 (#45/365) One of my first "3D" bird shots. Fairly popular with others.

May 19 (#140/365) One of my favorite flower macro shots. Surprised me when it landed on the popular page. I did not know it had, until someone mentioned this.

May 27 (#148/365) This shot was not as popular as the other two shots. However, I was happy with this shot. I felt that I had captured how the squirrel felt after the tornado in my city.

May 30th, 2011
Great thread!
I really like this one. Might be 'the' shot that opened my eyes to lines.

The smoke and the flames turned out much better than I expected :)

...and my most recent. A rather uninteresting forest shot turned into a photo that I love.
May 30th, 2011

May 30th, 2011
I liked this right from the beginning, and others seemed to as well. It has 3 favs! Yay!

This one was posted just a couple of days after I started and not many people saw it at that time. It's had a few views after the fact:

I have a lot of flower pics --- this one's the most cheery. Others really seemed to like it also:
May 30th, 2011

May 30th, 2011
My fav photo that I have taken so far is this one of my son on his birthday

The next two stand out for me as being the way I wanted the shots to come out

May 30th, 2011
I pick these three picture not because they are my best shots but because they represent three of my favorite things ~ grandchildren, knitting and gardening!

May 30th, 2011
@flamez This is unbelievably hard!
I guess this is my favourite (59 views and 1 fav)

This one, perfect bokeh, and a wonderful reminder of a wedding! (61 views)

I've picked this one as I love the lighting in it! (59 views)

If I picked tomorrow, they'd probably be different :)
May 30th, 2011
Great thread but oh so hard. I like a lot of my photos for different reasons. Here are three of my favourites:
A perfect day in our little paradise.

My little boy out there giving it his all.

I love the reflection and his eyes in this.
May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011
May 31st, 2011
May 31st, 2011
This was tough! Of course, being on my second 365 means I have a lot to choose from. I *think* these are my top three, but I could make arguments for several others.

This one was in the top 5 for the signs theme and is my most viewed:

May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011
this is hard, but I'll post these three.

May 31st, 2011
It was kind of difficult to choose 3 photos, but here they are! I didn’t have very many comments but at the same time, these photos were earlier in my project and I didn’t know as many people.
Tree of Life at Disney's Animal Kingdom in HDR:

Sunset in Lakeland, FL:

Waterfall at Disney’s Animal Kingdom:

May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011
May 31st, 2011
My 3 favorites:

May 31st, 2011

These are my favorites the one with the dog and my feet were noticed but the flower only got one comment. It was sort of a bummer because I had been really excited to post that one
May 31st, 2011
My favs are because of the emotional tie and meaning of the photo.

My son singing his solo in Willy Wonka

The Giants win the world series!!

The weeks my lilacs are blooming are my favorite
May 31st, 2011
One fave cause I love how he's teaching our oldest how to pitch :)

another fave cause it was completely random and turned out pretty cool

my 1st attempt at getting a shot of a water crown and it worked :)
May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011
May 31st, 2011
May 31st, 2011
May 31st, 2011
This actually is a lot harder than it seemed/sounded when I first read the thread. I thought it would be easy to pick my favorite 3 of my own pics, but it's not. Some I like because I think they turned out good, some I like because of the memory it evokes... like someone else said, my top three may be different tomorrow! but these are the three of my own that I like the best (at least at the moment).

May 31st, 2011
This was one of my first people shots and I was so happy I caught her (it involved some luck):

This one I like because I was quite surprised how well the editing turned out:

And this one because it was quite an editing challenge:
May 31st, 2011
Ooh... this is tricky. I think it would be:

This was really hard :D I love 365!
May 31st, 2011
The one that launched my project on St Valentines Day

My first wildlife shot!

Just for being unusual!
May 31st, 2011

The first shot was from last week and was my 1st attempt at shooting a guitar and I was really happy with how it turned out.

The second is a favourite because it fulfilled an item of my 'bucket list' (ie. Photograph Angkor Wat at sunrise). Even thought the sunrise itself wasn't that spectacular, I was happy enough being there :)

The third shot wasn't viewed/commented on much at all. I really liked the composition and how the colours turned out though :) Guess we all have different opinions and that's what makes one person's art another one's 'urgh' reaction, lol.
May 31st, 2011
@flamez Love this thread! So hard to pick only three and there is so much talent here, but well, I'll give it a try...

This one I love because of the fun memories!

This one because it made me giggle.

And this one because I love the dreamy, magical feel.
May 31st, 2011
Mine would be these...only one of which (Mont Saint-Michel) really got many views...

May 31st, 2011

This was a tough decision to make.. The first shot was because its the first time i had a lot of fav's and it was my first candid shot, the second one because its my little boy and he wanted this picture taken because he thought he would look cool and lastly because i have spent hours and hours near these arches taken pics of wildlife, flowers and the river..
May 31st, 2011
I don't have many comments on my photos but have had fun doing a little behind at the are my top three pics I think:

This was one of the first pictures that I took in the project, came out so well!

I actually took this in New Zealand, such an amazing place with so many amazing memories

I had been wanting to know how to do this effect for such a long time. Was so pleased with myself when I worked out how to do it!!
May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011
This one is especially dear to my heart. I loved how beautiful and peaceful my daughter looked after just giving birth to her first child.

I love the mountains and this one if my favorite shots of them so far.

I'm really into HDR processing so must include one of those. I liked the way this one turned out but it got very few views and even fewer comments.

May 31st, 2011
Hiking through the woods with two of our grandkids.

And celebrated a second birthday with another grandchild. She's on the phone with who knows.

Tulip week in our garden. Finally -- Spring!

May 31st, 2011
Because it makes me smile

Because it got good comments

Because when I saw this sight, it took my breath away

May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011
personal top 3 (in no particular order):
-not to brag or anything, but I thought these were pretty awesome pictures :p

May 31st, 2011

May 31st, 2011
My top 3 for today, it will probably change depending on my mood tomorrow!

May 31st, 2011
This one was my first image on the PP so.....I guess everyone liked it as much as I did. The other two.....weren't as popular as I thought they'd be....

I loved this image because she seemed so bashful....almost like a geisha girl with a fan in front of her face...the way she had the feathers in front of her beak. She seemed to be giving a shy smile both with her beak and her eyes.

I loved the lighting of this one and the well as the comforting and tender.

May 31st, 2011
These are all so ......well heartstopping in their own right! Thanks !
May 31st, 2011
Hope I'm not too late with these

May 31st, 2011
This was so difficult! Here are three of my favs-

May 31st, 2011
@geertje Your lady bug pic made me smile as well ;)
May 31st, 2011
@flamez Great thread! I love seeing what each photographer would've chosen as their best work vs. what everyone else chooses.
May 31st, 2011
wow... difficult choice... but I guess will put in this order:

1.For my effort trying to comply with a weekly theme and the simplicity of the shot:

2. Because of the conditions I took it: moving car, throught a close tinted window, and the result of if being a SOOC:

3. For my effort with working with adobe. This pic was really with a poor light, but I couldn´t miss the body position. I got really happy with outcome of this pic for my first time working with adobe.

May 31st, 2011
@dkg I love the toasted marshmallow image!!! Way cool!
May 31st, 2011
@Amy Hughes,

your last pic is just incredible... will fav that in your album ;)
May 31st, 2011
Really hard - but I quite like the challenge!
This was from really early on in my 365 and I think it'll always be one of my favourites,

This was a really unexpected shot - just taken with very little thought on my point and shoot but the more I look at it the more I like it!

I love the colours and the action in this one - and the muscles!

June 1st, 2011

first picture on the PP! I was so excited

June 1st, 2011

that one was hard to choose... and here's #3 :)

June 1st, 2011
These are three of my favorite. Dissapointingly, I've come to realize that I shot the moon in the beginning of this project. I had much more enthusiasm and time to devote to it. Hopefully I can produce some more shots similar to those I worked so hard on in the beginning!

June 1st, 2011

these have kinda stood out to me
June 1st, 2011
This may be my favorite for all time just for the back story

June 1st, 2011
My first two were very popular - the first one I found in nature, and the second one I set up in my kitchen window. The third one didn't get as much attention as I thought it would. If you look closely, you'll see not only a perfectly poised skipper butterfly, but there's also a grasshopper nymph on the flower as well!

June 1st, 2011

By no means were any of these my most popular, but I love them because I either grew them or my partner made them.
June 1st, 2011

June 1st, 2011

This one for the memories and emotions.
June 1st, 2011

...and this because of the effects.....
June 1st, 2011

and 3rdly this. Ross chose this as part of the 365 project on our local TV.
Sorry I posted separately, couldn't work out how to do all 3 at once!! :-)
June 1st, 2011


June 1st, 2011

I'm not really sure why, but I love this picture. I always have! It's def my favorite.

I really like this one, but the one thing I don't like is how contrasty the water is..on flickr I've got one I like more, but I decided it was easier to not try and switch them out :)

I'm just really proud of this one! At school some of the guys call me a horse for some reason, I guess it's just sort of my nickname! I don't really like it though..hahaha
June 1st, 2011
Hmmm, hard to pick 3, but here they are:)
June 1st, 2011
June 1st, 2011

None of these 3 made it on the pop page but I`m extra fond of all of them. For the editing, the colours and the happy surprise of how they turned out:)
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